Dnia Sat, Nov 18, 2023 at 10:44:18AM +0100, Piotr P. Stefaniak napisaƂ(a):
> On 2023-11-18 10:29:08, Marek Zarychta wrote:
> > The change of root's shell from csh to sh was to attract a new
> > generation of admins who were used to bash and similar shells. There is
> > no turning back, no escape from this trend. We will probably also
> > transit with $EDITOR from vi to ee in the future.
> I know you're trolling, but to make it clear: that was not the reason.
> Piotr

In what way am I trolling? I have been a FreeBSD user for over 25 years.
I had no insight and I don't know why the root shell was changed. The
fact that tcsh is left in base is enough for me. Wait a few more years
and you will see that the default editor will be changed too. The nano
editor is copyleft licensed, in base we have ee, so this is a natural

With kind regards
Marek Zarychta

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