03.02.2023 17:06, Eivind Nicolay Evensen wrote:
> Hello.
> I just noticed this today:
> elg!ene[~]> printf "bø\nhei\nøl\n" | grep ø
> grep: trailing backslash (\)
> elg!ene[~]> echo $LC_CTYPE $LANG
> nb_NO.ISO8859-1 nb_NO.ISO8859-1
> While I have the result I envisioned with gnugrep:
> elg!ene[~]> printf "bø\nhei\nøl\n" | ggrep ø
> bø
> øl
> Also, on OpenIndiana, linux and Netbsd, grep gives the proper result.
> Is lib/libc/regex the right place to look into this if I
> find the time, or does anybody know this enough to know the
> problem?

Try single quotes instead of double quotes.
And pleace specify system version and shell name, and shell version if its not 
in base system.

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