On Sun, Mar 27, 2022 at 2:01 PM Bjoern A. Zeeb
<bzeeb-li...@lists.zabbadoz.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am building on a stable/13 machine (updated a few days ago but I had
> that before in the last months).
> I have git clone and am mostly working on main or main-derived
> branches.
> Once in a while I switch in-place (not a worktree) to a stable branch,
> e.g., git checkout stable/13 based on freebsd/stable/13 for MFCs.
> When I do that and start to build an amd64-only universe my kernel
> builds immediately fail with a dubious error message from a top-level
> Makefile:
> # nice make -s -j30 tinderbox TARGETS=amd64 [..]
> make[2]: ".../freebsd-src/Makefile" line 731: "Target architecture for 
> amd64/conf/LINT unknown.  config(8) likely too old."
> I tracked it down to the profile 2 line sys/amd64/conf/NOTES which makes
> config fail apparently.
> When I apply the below change things work flawlessly.
> I do not fully understand where the problem comes from, but given I
> haven't seen other reports I wonder what it is that I am doing that
> makes things go wrong here?
> Anyone an idea?

Whoops, we ripped 'profile' support out of config(8) so now it can't
config older kernels. I think the cheapest/easiest fix would be to
just re-add the keyword as a nop so we can still parse it, maybe emit
a warning that it's been removed in newer config(8).

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