On 29/01/2022 23:49, Ulrich Spörlein wrote:
This output is from_before_  loader is loaded

What gives you confidence in that?
Do you know exact moment where execution passes from gpt(zfs)boot to loader?

and I don't have any
mountfrom settings in loader.conf anyway.

And they wouldn't affect gpt(zfs)boot or loader anyway.
Those settings are for kernel.

ISorry, I wasn't clear, but the system boots just fine, it finds the
loader, loader finds the kernel, and after I added a root
entry in /etc/fstab, the kernel was also mounting the right root partition.

So everything is working, but boot0 still seems to find gptzfsloader
and then seems to fall back to loading from UFS?

So, given what you wrote below this is plain impossible?

I inspected the start of the disk with xxd and it indeed looks like
gptloader is embedded near the beginning, and not gptzfsloader.

The only explanation I have is that those ZFS error messages come from loader.
AFAIK, at preset we do not have loader vs zfsloader distinction, there is a single unified loader with ZFS support.
So, the loader is able to detect and tries to probe the pool.  And fails.

Andriy Gapon

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