> On Oct 27, 2021, at 4:20 AM, Baptiste Daroussin <b...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 09:54:14AM +0200, m...@ft-c.de wrote:
>> Hello, 
>> I have install postgresql version 13 
>> (and in a few weeks I switch to version 14) 
>> When I install R-studio, then pkg would change/downgrade the
>> postgresql-client version from 13 to 12. 
>> pkg install Rstudio
>> Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue...
>> FreeBSD repository is up to date.
>> All repositories are up to date.
>> The following 3 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):
>> New packages to be INSTALLED:
>>        RStudio: 1.4.1717_2
>>        postgresql12-client: 12.8
>>        soci: 4.0.1_1
>> This error has existed for more than 5 years.
>> Franz
>> uname -a :> FreeBSD  13.0-RELEASE-p4  amd64
> Welcome to the postgresql hell (same applies to mysql family) on freebsd
> This is because on freebsd beside the fact that multiple version exists in the
> ports tree only the "default" can be used when using binary packages.
> I have posted a proposal on how to make any postgresql installable in 
> parallel,
> shoudl be around 6 years ago, unfortunatly noone implemented it since :(, my
> proposal would have eliminated the concept of default and let the user pick 
> the
> version it needs.

+1 on that - pkg has gotten to the point where I very, very rarely use ports 
and I love that


> https://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-ports/2015-July/099842.html
> Best regards,
> Bapt

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