> Am 21.07.2021 um 10:53 schrieb Miroslav Lachman <000.f...@quip.cz>:
> On 09/07/2021 13:16, Andriy Gapon wrote:
>> On 08/07/2021 00:34, Miroslav Lachman wrote:
>>> The question is simple but I cannot find answer - Does FreeBSD support 
>>> hot-plug vCPU and hot-add RAM?
>>> Current virtualization platforms support adding CPU cores or additional RAM 
>>> without the need to reboot the guest OS. Some of our clients need to add 
>>> additional vCPUs or RAM so often that hot-plug and hot-add will be really 
>>> useful. If this is not supported on FreeBSD for now, is there any Work In 
>>> Progress? Or is there a plan to support it?
>> I think that those features are not supported and I haven't heard of any WIP.
> Thank you for your reply. I know nothing about system internals. Is it too 
> much work to implement it or just nobody from developers need it thus nobody 
> write the code? Virtualization is more and more popular these days so I think 
> it will be useful for many users.
> Kind regards
> Miroslav Lachman

My guess is that it’s something that is very much tied to the Linux kernel.

AFAIK, it works on RHEL (and derivatives), and that’s usually a sign that it’s 
100% tied to the Linux-kernel.

We have over 20 Vcenters (yeah...) with thousands of VMs and AFAIK, only one 
customer has ever requested that feature.

Do you really need it that badly?

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