I've just published draft #7 of SRFI 226 <https://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-226/>. It was submitted by Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen, author of the SRFI.
Here are Marc's comments on the draft: Incorporates the fixes for the issues raised during the last-call period. Here is the commit summary: - More s/with/temporarily fixes. - Thank Masanori. - Fix editorial errors reported by Shiro. - Rename thread-stop! to thread-schedule-terminate! - Add note about eventual handling of interrupts. - Fix race condition. - Publish seventh draft. Here's the diff: https://github.com/scheme-requests-for-implementation/srfi-226/compare/draft-6..draft-7 The last-call period for this SRFI ended yesterday, but let's wait one more week because of this new draft. If you're interested in this SRFI, please give your feedback via the SRFI 226 mailing list before *2023-03-21*. After that, assuming that no major revisions are required, we will declare it final. It is important that we get your feedback before 2023-03-21. *If that deadline is too soon for you, but you would like to contribute, please let me know so that I can extend the last-call period.* Regards, SRFI Editor