I've just published draft #4 of SRFI 226 <https://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-226/>. It was submitted by Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen, author of the SRFI.
Here is the commit summary: - Remove thread syntax. - Make thread type inheritable. - Update issue section. - Fix mutex-state. - Add thread-exit! - Add issue about parameters and thread locals. - Add paramter? predicate to test for a parameter object. - Add the notion of parameter-like objects and the with syntax. - Implement inheritable thread-locals. - Thread parameters. - Implement fluids and thread fluids. - Document fluids. - Rename handler to abort handler. - Add fluid-parameter and define-fluidified. - Sketch thread-interrupt! implementation - Rename thread-exit! to thread-stop! - Document thread-interrupt! - Fix the remark about blocking on a cv. - Remove relics of the old thread syntax. - Fix typo reported by Shiro. - Change the semantics of an iterator past the end as discussed with John. - copy edits - Fix errors reported by W3C HTML Validator. - Publish fourth draft. Here's the diff: https://github.com/scheme-requests-for-implementation/srfi-226/compare/draft-3..draft-4 Regards, SRFI Editor