Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen <> writes:

>>** 5.3 An iterator for the empty list returns <code>#f</code> and an iterator 
>>for the empty list.  An iterator for a non-empty list returns the head of the 
>>list and an iterator for its tail.

>>So, the iterators for (#f, '()), and for '() return the same two values?
>>I am feeling an "off by one" error here.

>I don't understand what you mean.  There is no such thing as an
>iterator for the pair (#f, '()).

Sorry, I didn't formulate it clearly. If a list only has a single
element, that is #f. This #f is its head, and rest is an empty list.

Calling this iterator will produce ... an #f, and an iterator for an
empty list.

On the other hand, an iterator for an actual empty list, which has no #f
as its head. Calling it will ... also produces an #f and an iterator for
an empty list.

>What would you suggest?
>"current-exception-handler-stack" or "current-exception-handler-list" or just 

I find "current-exception-handler-stack more aesthetically pleasing :).

>I am sorry again for the long time delay.

As long as it is an excellent SRFI, it's worth waiting :). Thank you.

Your sincerely,
Vladimir Nikishkin (MiEr, lockywolf)

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