miconda left a comment (kamailio/kamailio#4171)
I tested with the devel and 5.8 branches, I got response:
~kamailio-5.8$ curl
15(1982275) NOTICE: *** cfgtrace:dbg_cfg_trace():
request_route=[microhttpd:request] l=60 a=25 n=xinfo
15(1982275) INFO: <script>: ===== method: GET url: /
15(1982275) NOTICE: *** cfgtrace:dbg_cfg_trace():
request_route=[microhttpd:request] l=62 a=28 n=mhttpd_reply
15(1982275) NOTICE: *** cfgtrace:dbg_cfg_trace():
request_route=[microhttpd:request] l=63 a=2 n=return
What is the tool/app you use for sending the http request? Have you tried with
curl or wget?
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