Module: kamailio Branch: master Commit: 2bbba597c6b7bbef79b0c8be78b4dc94e010ec26 URL:
Author: Daniel-Constantin Mierla <> Committer: Daniel-Constantin Mierla <> Date: 2024-11-26T10:16:20+01:00 dispatcher: docs for ds_dsg_fetch_uri() --- Modified: src/modules/dispatcher/doc/dispatcher_admin.xml --- Diff: Patch: --- diff --git a/src/modules/dispatcher/doc/dispatcher_admin.xml b/src/modules/dispatcher/doc/dispatcher_admin.xml index 81d5b19cd00..5e7cb95953c 100644 --- a/src/modules/dispatcher/doc/dispatcher_admin.xml +++ b/src/modules/dispatcher/doc/dispatcher_admin.xml @@ -2011,6 +2011,31 @@ onreply_route { ds_dsg_fetch("1"); xinfo("set id: 1 - all: $dsg(count); active: $dsg(active)\n"); ... +</programlisting> + </example> + </section> + <section id="dispatcher.f.ds_dsg_fetch_uri"> + <title> + <function moreinfo="none">ds_dsg_fetch_uri(setid, uri)</function> + </title> + <para> + Sets the destination group id to setid for fetching $dsg(key) attributes + and the overload-control attributes to the corresponding uri record from + that group. + </para> + <para>Parameters: <emphasis>setid</emphasis> - integer or variable + holding the set id value; <emphasis>uri</emphasis> - string or variables + holding the SIP URI value.</para> + <para> + This function can be used from ANY_ROUTE. + </para> + <example> + <title><function>ds_dsg_fetch_uri()</function> usage</title> + <programlisting format="linespecific"> +... + ds_dsg_fetch_uri("1", "sip:"); + xinfo("set id: 1 - all: $dsg(count); active: $dsg(active); $dsg(ocrate)\n"); +... </programlisting> </example> </section> _______________________________________________ Kamailio - Development Mailing List -- To unsubscribe send an email to Important: keep the mailing list in the recipients, do not reply only to the sender!