Dear Kamailio Team,
My name is Marletta, and I am a technician.
I am working on a project involving Kamailio and need some information or 
assistance to configure its integration with Microsoft Teams and Asterisk.
Specifically, I would like to know:

  1.  Is this integration feasible?
  2.  Which certificates should be used?
  3.  How can I validate the communication between Kamailio and Teams?
I have consulted the official documentation and forums but could not find 
comprehensive answers.
Would it be possible to receive your support or be directed to relevant 
resources or experts?
Thank you in advance for your time and for the work you do to support this 
remarkable open-source community.
I remain available to provide further details or clarifications.

Best regards / 此致

Giuseppe Marletta
Viale Europa, 128 - 65010 SPOLTORE (PE)
Tel [+39] 085 4450011- Fax [+39] 085 4459477
PI e C.F. 01635460684<>

[Image result for you tube 

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