Module: kamailio
Branch: master
Commit: c5bdc9237b661859b635e8dc7fcfea9526ec9def

Author: Victor Seva <>
Committer: Victor Seva <>
Date: 2024-11-22T10:21:30+01:00

sanity: reformat exported structures


Modified: src/modules/sanity/sanity_mod.c




diff --git a/src/modules/sanity/sanity_mod.c b/src/modules/sanity/sanity_mod.c
index 99f64fbf082..09dcdb23d43 100644
--- a/src/modules/sanity/sanity_mod.c
+++ b/src/modules/sanity/sanity_mod.c
@@ -50,45 +50,51 @@ static int w_sanity_check(sip_msg_t *_msg, char 
*_msg_check, char *_uri_check);
 static int w_sanity_reply(sip_msg_t *_msg, char *_p1, char *_p2);
 static int bind_sanity(sanity_api_t *api);
+/* clang-format off */
  * Exported functions
-static cmd_export_t cmds[] = {{"sanity_check", (cmd_function)w_sanity_check, 0,
-                                                                         0, 0, 
-               {"sanity_check", (cmd_function)w_sanity_check, 1, 
fixup_igp_null, 0,
-                               REQUEST_ROUTE | ONREPLY_ROUTE},
-               {"sanity_check", (cmd_function)w_sanity_check, 2, 
fixup_igp_igp, 0,
-                               REQUEST_ROUTE | ONREPLY_ROUTE},
-               {"sanity_reply", (cmd_function)w_sanity_reply, 0, 0, 0,
-                               REQUEST_ROUTE | ONREPLY_ROUTE},
-               {"bind_sanity", (cmd_function)bind_sanity, 0, 0, 0, 0},
-               {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}};
+static cmd_export_t cmds[] = {
+       {"sanity_check", (cmd_function)w_sanity_check, 0,
+               0, 0, REQUEST_ROUTE | ONREPLY_ROUTE},
+       {"sanity_check", (cmd_function)w_sanity_check, 1,
+               fixup_igp_null, 0, REQUEST_ROUTE | ONREPLY_ROUTE},
+       {"sanity_check", (cmd_function)w_sanity_check, 2,
+               fixup_igp_igp, 0, REQUEST_ROUTE | ONREPLY_ROUTE},
+       {"sanity_reply", (cmd_function)w_sanity_reply, 0,
+               0, 0, REQUEST_ROUTE | ONREPLY_ROUTE},
+       {"bind_sanity", (cmd_function)bind_sanity, 0, 0, 0, 0},
+       {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
  * Exported parameters
 static param_export_t params[] = {
-               {"default_checks", PARAM_INT, &default_msg_checks},
-               {"uri_checks", PARAM_INT, &default_uri_checks},
-               {"proxy_require", PARAM_STR, &_sanity_prval},
-               {"autodrop", PARAM_INT, &_sanity_drop},
-               {"noreply", PARAM_INT, &ksr_sanity_noreply}, {0, 0, 0}};
+       {"default_checks", PARAM_INT, &default_msg_checks},
+       {"uri_checks", PARAM_INT, &default_uri_checks},
+       {"proxy_require", PARAM_STR, &_sanity_prval},
+       {"autodrop", PARAM_INT, &_sanity_drop},
+       {"noreply", PARAM_INT, &ksr_sanity_noreply},
+       {0, 0, 0}
  * Module description
 struct module_exports exports = {
-               "sanity",                /* module name */
-               DEFAULT_DLFLAGS, /* dlopen flags */
-               cmds,                    /* cmd exports */
-               params,                  /* exported parameters */
-               0,                               /* RPC methods */
-               0,                               /* pseudo-variables exports */
-               0,                               /* response handling function 
-               mod_init,                /* module initialization function */
-               0,                               /* per-child init function */
-               0                                /* module destroy function */
+       "sanity",        /* module name */
+       DEFAULT_DLFLAGS, /* dlopen flags */
+       cmds,            /* exported functions */
+       params,          /* exported parameters */
+       0,               /* RPC method exports */
+       0,               /* exported pseudo-variables */
+       0,               /* response handling function */
+       mod_init,        /* module initialization function */
+       0,               /* per-child init function */
+       0                /* module destroy function */
+/* clang-format on */
  * initialize module

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