On 3/01/25 21:23, Jonathan Lee wrote:
Hello fellow Squid Users,

I understand this directive is removed in Squid7 again I am still trying to 
understand more about what it did and does in the older versions of software.

It was an attempt to implement the pipeline mechanism of HTTP/1.1
see <https://httpwg.org/specs/rfc9112.html#pipelining>

FYI; very few people have even considered turning it on. So do not be surprised if you do not get a response to your more detailed questions about its behaviour in current Squid.

pipeline_prefetch historically was on or off for settings however today it is 
n+1 or a numerical value for the variable n.

My question is after many trial and errors what is a good range to use for a 
4GB memory system,

I have attempted many different n values some being 100, 200, 300, 5, 10 etc it 
appears to work well with 100 or maybe it was my other changes with
using the directive read_ahead_gap 64 KB and testing 16 and 32

what is a good solid go go juice number for pipeline_prefetch? I do notice 
massive increases in facebook loads when I have it at 100 however decreased 
performance with news websites. It is like a can’t win directive for me. 
Finally I thought best to ask.

IMO the answer to that depends on your proxy traffic.

* A server that is able to produce responses very fast, operating over a long-delay connection can benefit from requests being sent in a pipeline.

* As can two proxies communicating over a multiplexed, fast, **and** reliable connection.

Most situations risk adding what is called Head-Of-Line (HOL) blocking delays for the pipelined requests. HTTP/2 was created to solve that problem and does far better.

I do understand it is no longer recommended to be used this is simply for speed 
and the system is secure behind a firewall.

Firewall existence and security are not relevant to pipeline_prefetch.

Pipeline as implemented by Squid is only of much benefit when you already have a high speed situation. As mentioned above.

The primary use-case of Squid pipeline_prefetch to my knowledge was for the cache_peer links on proxies acting as accelerators on either end of a geosync satellite communication link. Servicing international level traffic relay for military outposts or small(ish) national teleco's.
  The primary factor being very long-distance / high-lag TCP links.


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