On 1/01/25 21:27, Robin Wood wrote:
I've not got time to read your whole email, but you are asking about regular expressions.

^http:\/\/[^\.]+\.dl\.sourceforge\.net\/(.*) http:// dl.sourceforge.net.squid.internal/$1

What this means is to match the first URL and "capture" the bit at the end, the bit in brackets. This then gets rewritten to the second URL with the captured bit added on to the end, that is $1. If you captured two things in brackets the first would be $1, the second $2.

Do some reading on regex and regular expressions. The basics are relatively easy to understand, beyond that, it can get very complicated very quickly.

Correct. Also, this is a configuration file for the particular helper performing StoreID changes. The pattern style and language may/will differ based on what the custom helper is doing.

The OP one (Squid provided storeid_file_rewrite) is written in Perl language, and passes the list from the file almost directly to the "Substitute Regular Expression - s///" function of Perl. As such, the documentation of that function is what you need to read for specific answers.


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