Is there anything I should set after I moved to an external box to handle wpad, should I still have settings for wpad included on the proxy also? 
Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 10, 2024, at 15:40, Jonathan Lee <> wrote:

Changed over the lighttpd Apache2 is overkill for what I need. We used lighttpd in cybersecurity classes it is lightweight and great for what I need. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 10, 2024, at 13:30, Jonathan Lee <> wrote:

Thanks for the reply, I purchased a Raspberry Pi to run an Apache2 server on it and host my wpad. It is working should I use and proxy settings to block pivots to it? Example an invasive container accesses the proxy and pivots to other devices on the network from inside the cage

On Dec 10, 2024, at 06:50, David Touzeau <> wrote:

Hi Jonathan

Using squid as a PAC proxy provider is not an efficient solution.
- Squid cache error pages, which may cause problems when modifying the source.
- The PAC proxy will generate events in squid that are polluting for troubleshooting.
- If squid has issues or is stopped ( disk full, false config..) , it will be difficult to provide an alternative way.

To this end, we're offering a free, open-source service dedicated to PAC proxies, with the distinctive feature of offering several PAC proxies depending on the client source and browser.
A web-based management console lets you build the Proxy PAC, test your rules and view access events.
This solution is independent, leaving the squid free to focus on its designated mission.


Le 09/12/2024 à 14:40, a écrit :
Hey Jonathan,
Can you give more details on the setup?
I am unsure how this setup work.
Is this an intercept proxy or a simple forward proxy?
Is the the proxy ip and port? Also is the client on the same subnet?
I understand that you are trying to use the proxy to serve the wpad file somehow.
From: squid-users <> On Behalf Of Jonathan Lee
Sent: Monday, December 2, 2024 12:04 AM
To: Jonathan Lee <>
Cc: squid-users <>
Subject: Re: [squid-users] Wpad
this is the wpad file I am using 
function FindProxyForURL(url, host) 
url = "">
host = host.toLowerCase();
if (isPlainHostName(host)) 
  return 'DIRECT';
if (isResolvable(host)) 
var hostIP = dnsResolve(host);
if (isInNet(hostIP, '', '') || isInNet(hostIP, '', '') ||
isInNet(hostIP, '', '') || isInNet(hostIP, '', '') ||
isInNet(hostIP, '', '') || isInNet(hostIP, '', '') ||
isInNet(hostIP, '', '') || isInNet(hostIP, '', '') ||
isInNet(hostIP, '', '')) 
  return 'DIRECT';
if (false) 
  return 'DIRECT';
if (url.substring(0, 5) == 'http:' || url.substring(0, 6) == 'https:' ||
url.substring(0, 4) == 'ftp:') 
  return 'PROXY';
return 'DIRECT';

On Dec 1, 2024, at 13:58, Jonathan Lee <> wrote:
this is what I have tried it also fails 
acl wpad urlpath_regex ^/wpad.dat$
acl wpad urlpath_regex ^/proxy.pac$
deny_info 200:/usr/local/www/wpad.dat wpad
deny_info 200:/usr/local/www/proxy.pac wpad
http_access deny wpad
reply_header_access Content-Type deny wpad
reply_header_replace Content-Type application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig
when you run squid -k parse it take the config file
What I want to do is when it sees that reg ex to send it to this URL 

On Dec 1, 2024, at 09:01, Jonathan Lee <> wrote:
Thank you again this works perfectly for my issues I had

On Oct 2, 2024, at 20:51, Amos Jeffries <> wrote:

On 2/10/24 05:05, Jonathan Lee wrote:

Hello fellow squid users,
Can you please help? I am attempting to run wpad on the same machine as squid however port 80 443 is blocked, I have a url redirect to this is done with use of squid guard, however you must disable bypass for on squid. Squid resides on,
It works on the iMac for auto config proxy I can access the url file within the redirect.
My question is how can this be managed directly with squid custom config ?? Is there a way to have squid manage a simple wpad?

acl wpad urlpath_regex ^/wpad.dat$
deny_info 200:/etc/squid/wpad.dat wpad
http_access deny wpad

reply_header_access Content-Type deny wpad
reply_header_replace Content-Type application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig

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