Hello, thank you for the update Francesso, there is also some chatter about 
bugs within the Netgate community. Is this also related to the fixes in V7 
(please see Redmine attached)?

I  admit, I have a bias and assumption that that Big-Tech does not like Squid 
functional, and that most of what is listed below was done within a political 
aspect to generate a confusion within the firewall community. So much so that 
the package was considered an issue and Netgate started to recommend Squid's 
removal. I have stood by this package and continue to, as it works beautifully.

This Redmine should have been more concise and simplified within its notes, it 
seems to just generate confusion.  I do not have issues like this and that is 
where I start to question what this is related to.  Can Someone please respond 
to this Redmine for verification that has a higher-level knowledge about Squid? 
I hate to see this removed for some simple reason like a PHP issue that causes 
configuration issues.

Bug #14390: Squid: SECURITY ALERT: Host header forgery detected - pfSense 
Packages - pfSense bugtracker<https://redmine.pfsense.org/issues/14390>
Bug #14390: Squid: SECURITY ALERT: Host header forgery detected - pfSense 
Packages - pfSense bugtracker<https://redmine.pfsense.org/issues/14390>

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