
in the very recent past I stumbled over that a "squid -k reconfigure" drops in 
memory caches for external_acl_type helpers, wich in my case leads to a massive 
query burst against local winbind (ext_wbinfo_group_acl) and infact the active 
directory domaincontrollers. This also leads to an massive impact in 
servicetime to endusers, where after a reconfigure the time needed to fullfill 
takes a recent time by group membership authorization within squid until the 
external_acl cache is "rewarmed".

I have veriefied that behavior back to v5.2.

I want to ask if this is a wanted behavior to squid or should I file a 
bug-report on this?

Maybe I discovered a topic wich is connected to this discussion: 

Best regards

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