On Mon Oct 23 11:39:52 UTC 2023 Ralf Hildebrandt wrote:

I upgraded from 6.3 to 6.4 today and it INSTANTLY began crashing

The Log messages in cache.log:
2023/10/23 09:57:21| Beginning Validation Procedure
2023/10/23 09:57:21| Completed Validation Procedure
    Validated 237163 Entries
    store_swap_size = 29491032.00 KB
2023/10/23 09:57:21| Recv recv: (111) Connection refused
2023/10/23 09:57:21| Closing Pinger socket on FD 25
2023/10/23 09:57:22| storeLateRelease: released 0 objects
2023/10/23 09:57:46| FATAL: assertion failed: stmem.cc:98: "lowestOffset () <= 
    current master transaction: master655

I'll add a "me too" to this. 6.3 reliable, 6.4 crashes and this is under _very_ low load. NetBSD 9.3_STABLE.

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