For now the most wanted answer is for question No 1.
Is that available to insert the requested user's url to request to
chache_peer ???

I tested   this

request_header_add  http://example.com  -  this works well. But I need to
put the requested URL for each user who send request to squid.

Something like this one:
request_header_add  %URL

Any ideas ?

Thank you !

вт, 20 июн. 2023 г. в 09:35, Alexeyяр Gruzdov <my.shel...@gmail.com>:

> Hello all !
> I have web app on the server listens on port 8089. This app processes the
> Get or Post requests, and also checks if there is specific header in
> request. For example if I will do on the server request like:
> curl -H “X-my special header:https://example.com”
> I will get it working properly I will get answer from example.com over my
> application
> A questions:
> 1. How I can to add the specific header to request with put the value of
> this header like requested URL ??? Something like “X-my special header:
> <requested url>
> 2. How I could to put the cache peer host as  originserver option as url
> ?  Something like
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