On 6/19/23 16:44, Ralf Hildebrandt wrote:
I hope I got it all cut&pasted

This information was very useful, thank you!

storedWholeReply_ = "ftpReadTransferDone code 226 or 250"

I suspect that the current Client::markParsedVirginReplyAsWhole() assumptions about received-vs-stored response data do not match our FTP code (in this particular use case). It is not clear to me whether Ftp::Gateway code is not storing any response headers at all this case (a bug) OR it is calling that method prematurely, before storing response headers (a different bug). Either way, FwdState gets a "complete" but empty Store entry, which is not supposed to happen (because every Store entry has HTTP response headers or equivalent), and Squid asserts.

Unfortunately, I do not remember enough about FTP code to quickly triage this further. I recommend filing a bug report with Squid bugzilla in hope that somebody will volunteer a bug fix (or, at least, a workaround).

Thank you,


     frame 3
#3  0x000055555570e9c2 in FwdState::completed (this=this@entry=0x55556c0a4748) 
at FwdState.cc:299
299            assert(!storedWholeReply_);

     print this
$1 = (FwdState * const) 0x55556c0a4748

$2 = {
   <Lock> = {
     _vptr.Lock = 0x555555b6c3b8 <vtable for FwdState+88>,
     count_ = 2
   <PeerSelectionInitiator> = {
     <CbdataParent> = {
       _vptr.CbdataParent = 0x555555b6c378 <vtable for FwdState+24>
     members of PeerSelectionInitiator:
     subscribed = false
   members of FwdState:
   entry = 0x55555e31aaf0,
   request = 0x55562827ab90,
   al = {
     p_ = 0x5555b6ecaec0
   self = {
     p_ = 0x55556c0a4748
   err = 0x0,
   clientConn = {
     p_ = 0x5555dafd6ea0
   start_t = 1687188676,
   n_tries = 1,
   flags = {
     connected_okay = true,
     dont_retry = false,
     forward_completed = true,
     destinationsFound = true
   transportWait = {
     <JobWaitBase> = {
       job_ = {
         cbc = 0x0,
         lock = 0x0
       callback_ = {
         p_ = 0x0
     members of JobWait<HappyConnOpener>:
     typedJob_ = {
       cbc = 0x55566ccd1888,
       lock = 0x55566ccd1888
   encryptionWait = {
     <JobWaitBase> = {
       job_ = {
         cbc = 0x0,
         lock = 0x0
       callback_ = {
         p_ = 0x0
     members of JobWait<Security::PeerConnector>:
     typedJob_ = {
       cbc = 0x0,
       lock = 0x0
   peerWait = {
     <JobWaitBase> = {
       job_ = {
         cbc = 0x0,
         lock = 0x0
       callback_ = {
         p_ = 0x0
     members of JobWait<Http::Tunneler>:
     typedJob_ = {
       cbc = 0x0,
       lock = 0x0
   waitingForDispatched = false,
   destinations = {
     p_ = 0x555654304b50
   serverConn = {
     p_ = 0x0
   destinationReceipt = {
     connection_ = {
       p_ = 0x0
     position_ = 18446744073709551615
   closeHandler = {
     p_ = 0x0
   pconnRace = FwdState::raceImpossible,
   storedWholeReply_ = 0x555555a94350 "ftpReadTransferDone code 226 or 250"

print *entry

$3 = {
   <hash_link> = {
     key = 0x55556bfa3d50,
     next = 0x5555b6b68468
   <Packable> = {
     _vptr.Packable = 0x555555b6ec50 <vtable for StoreEntry+16>
   members of StoreEntry:
   mem_obj = 0x55559cd62ca0,
   repl = {
     data = 0x0
   timestamp = -1,
   lastref = 1687188676,
   expires = -1,
   lastModified_ = -1,
   swap_file_sz = 0,
   refcount = 1,
   flags = 1216,
   swap_filen = -1,
   swap_dirn = -1,
   mem_status = NOT_IN_MEMORY,
   ping_status = PING_DONE,
   store_status = STORE_PENDING,
   swap_status = SWAPOUT_NONE,
   cachedESITree = {
     p_ = 0x0
   lock_count = 3,
   shareableWhenPrivate = false,
   deferredProducer = {
     p_ = 0x0

print *entry->mem_obj

$4 = {
   appliedUpdates = false,
   method = {
     theMethod = Http::METHOD_GET,
     theImage = {
       id = {
         value = 99694914
       store_ = {
         p_ = 0x555555cb57d0
       off_ = 0,
       len_ = 0
   data_hdr = {
     inmem_hi = 0,
     nodes = {
       head = 0x0,
       elements = 0
   inmem_lo = 0,
   clients = {
     head = 0x55555acdbe30,
     tail = 0x55555acdbe30
   nclients = 1,
   swapout = {
     queue_offset = 0,
     sio = {
       p_ = 0x0
     decision = MemObject::SwapOut::swNeedsCheck
   xitTable = {
     index = -1,
     io = Store::ioUndecided
   memCache = {
     index = -1,
     offset = 0,
     io = Store::ioUndecided
   request = {
     p_ = 0x55562827ab90
   start_ping = {
     tv_sec = 0,
     tv_usec = 0
   ping_reply_callback = 0x0,
   ircb_data = 0x0,
   abortCallback = {
     p_ = 0x5556543f35b0
   repl = {
     data = 0x0
   id = 105121620,
   object_sz = -1,
   swap_hdr_sz = 0,
   vary_headers = {
     id = {
       value = 99694915
     store_ = {
       p_ = 0x555555cb57d0
     off_ = 0,
     len_ = 0
   reply_ = {
     p_ = 0x55563217e040
   updatedReply_ = {
     p_ = 0x0
   storeId_ = {
     size_ = 40,
     len_ = 35,
     buf_ = 0x5555df5d7a50 "ftp://ftp.nimblestorage.com/upload/";
   logUri_ = {
     size_ = 40,
     len_ = 35,
     buf_ = 0x5555e78446a0 "ftp://ftp.nimblestorage.com/upload/";
   deferredReads = {
     deferredReads = {
       head = {
         p_ = 0x0
       tail = {
         p_ = 0x0
       length = 0

frame 10
#10 0x00005555558816f6 in Ftp::Gateway::handleControlReply 
(this=0x5555662702c8) at FtpGateway.cc:1176
1176        FTP_SM_FUNCS[state] (this);

print this
$5 = (Ftp::Gateway * const) 0x5555662702c8

print *this
$6 = {
   <Ftp::Client> = {
     <Client> = {
       <Adaptation::Initiator> = {
         <AsyncJob> = {
           <CbdataParent> = {
             _vptr.CbdataParent = 0x555555b78ec8 <vtable for Ftp::Gateway+520>
           members of AsyncJob:
           id = {
             value = 201681648
           stopReason = 0x0,
           typeName = 0x555555a9355f "FtpStateData",
           inCall = {
             p_ = 0x5555ff888600
           started_ = true,
           swanSang_ = false
         members of Adaptation::Initiator:
         _vptr.Initiator = 0x555555b78cd8 <vtable for Ftp::Gateway+24>
       <BodyProducer> = {
         members of BodyProducer:
         _vptr.BodyProducer = 0x555555b78e18 <vtable for Ftp::Gateway+344>
       <BodyConsumer> = {
         members of BodyConsumer:
         _vptr.BodyConsumer = 0x555555b78e50 <vtable for Ftp::Gateway+400>
       members of Client:
       completed = true,
       currentOffset = 0,
       responseBodyBuffer = 0x0,
       entry = 0x55555e31aaf0,
       fwd = {
         p_ = 0x55556c0a4748
       request = {
         p_ = 0x55562827ab90
       requestBodySource = {
         p_ = 0x0
       requestSender = {
         p_ = 0x0
       virginBodyDestination = {
         p_ = 0x0
       adaptedHeadSource = {
         cbc = 0x0,
         lock = 0x0
       adaptedBodySource = {
         p_ = 0x0
       adaptationAccessCheckPending = false,
       startedAdaptation = false,
       receivedWholeAdaptedReply = false,
       receivedWholeRequestBody = false,
       doneWithFwd = 0x555555a92a12 "completeForwarding()",
       theVirginReply = 0x0,
       theFinalReply = 0x0
     members of Ftp::Client:
     ctrl = {
       <Ftp::Channel> = {
         conn = {
           p_ = 0x0
         listenConn = {
           p_ = 0x0
         closer = {
           p_ = 0x0
       members of Ftp::CtrlChannel:
       buf = 0x5556084e8f30 "221 Goodbye.\r\nsend OK.\r\ntory listing.\r\n226 
Directory send OK.\r\n####\r\n220-Welcome to the HPE NimbleStorage FTP 
Server.\r\n220-\r\n220-Please prepend files to be uploaded with your case 
number\r\n220-so that "...,
       size = 4096,
       offset = 0,
       message = 0x5555b1cb8b80,
       last_command = 0x5555a99543f0 "QUIT\r\n",
       last_reply = 0x5555bb4e65a0 "Goodbye.",
       replycode = 221
     data = {
       <Ftp::Channel> = {
         conn = {
           p_ = 0x0
         listenConn = {
           p_ = 0x0
         closer = {
           p_ = 0x0
       members of Ftp::DataChannel:
       readBuf = 0x55555e493418,
       host = 0x5555bb42a4e0 "",
       port = 6892,
       read_pending = false
     ftp_state_t = Ftp::Client::BEGIN,
     state = 18,
     old_request = 0x0,
     old_reply = 0x0,
     dataConnWait = {
       <JobWaitBase> = {
         job_ = {
           cbc = 0x0,
           lock = 0x0
         callback_ = {
           p_ = 0x0
       members of JobWait<Comm::ConnOpener>:
       typedJob_ = {
         cbc = 0x55557d0ec1b8,
         lock = 0x55557d0ec1b8
     shortenReadTimeout = false
   members of Ftp::Gateway:
   user = "anonymous", '\000' <repeats 8182 times>,
   password = "Squid@", '\000' <repeats 8185 times>,
   password_url = 0,
   reply_hdr = 0x0,
   reply_hdr_state = 0,
   clean_url = {
     size_ = 0,
     len_ = 0,
     buf_ = 0x0
   title_url = {
     size_ = 40,
     len_ = 35,
     buf_ = 0x5555d58c86b0 "ftp://ftp.nimblestorage.com/upload/";
   base_href = {
     size_ = 40,
     len_ = 36,
     buf_ = 0x55559dd8c4f0 "ftp://ftp.nimblestorage.com/upload//";
   conn_att = 0,
   login_att = 0,
   mdtm = -1,
   theSize = -1,
   pathcomps = 0x0,
   filepath = 0x0,
   dirpath = 0x5555e4136d90 "upload",
   restart_offset = 0,
   proxy_host = 0x0,
   list_width = 0,
   cwd_message = {
     size_ = 40,
     len_ = 36,
     buf_ = 0x5555c4d14f00 "\n250 Directory successfully changed."
   old_filepath = 0x0,
   typecode = 0 '\000',
   listing = {
     <Packable> = {
       _vptr.Packable = 0x555555b6cab0 <vtable for MemBuf+16>
     members of MemBuf:
     buf = 0x5555cc7050c0 "",
     size = 0,
     max_capacity = 2097152000,
     capacity = 2048,
     stolen = 0
   flags = {
     pasv_supported = true,
     epsv_all_sent = false,
     pasv_only = false,
     pasv_failed = false,
     authenticated = false,
     tried_auth_anonymous = true,
     tried_auth_nopass = false,
     isdir = true,
     skip_whitespace = false,
     rest_supported = true,
     http_header_sent = false,
     tried_nlst = false,
     need_base_href = false,
     dir_slash = false,
     root_dir = false,
     no_dotdot = false,
     binary = false,
     try_slash_hack = false,
     put = false,
     put_mkdir = false,
     listformat_unknown = false,
     listing = true,
     completed_forwarding = true

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