On Tuesday 18 April 2023 at 14:53:31, Alex Rousskov wrote:

> On 4/18/23 03:38, Ralf Hildebrandt wrote:
> > We're using squid-6, currently v4 only. The use case for us is mostly
> > our users using our proxy to retrieve full text publications of
> > several thousand medical journals... via IPv4.
> > 
> > The publishers "know" our IPv4 range for the proxies and allow us to
> > download freely. What they don't (yet) know is our ipv6 range.
> > 
> > Thus arises the need to "fall back" to ipv4 in the unlikely case some
> > publisher already has ipv6, we connect via ipv6 and suddenly are not
> > allowed to download the publications.
> > 
> > Is there an acl for that kind of need?
> I will rephrase your question to avoid the distraction of "acl":
>    How can I configure Squid to try IPv4 if IPv6 fails?

I don't think that's the same question.

"How can I configure Squid to try IPv4 if IPv6 fails" deal with a network-level 
failure to connect to something.

I think the OP is looking for a way to tell Squid "for this destination 
hostname, don't even try to connect over IPv6, because if you do, we'll get 
rejected (not at the network level, but some application-level) so we need you 
(Squid) to connect using IPv4 only (for this destination)".


If you can smile when all about you things are going wrong, you must have 
someone in mind to take the blame.

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