On 4/5/23 14:17, Thoppae, Venkataganesh x (Contractor) wrote:

We are looking to get squid proxy as an authorized product for internal use at Fannie Mae and the approval team here has the below question, which is generally asked for all third party products. Any response or guidance would be extremely helpful.

"Are any advanced algorithms, predictive analytics, dynamic components, machine learning, or artificial intelligence are used within or by this product, and whether any part of the input or output process involves any of these techniques.

Yes, for some definition of those techniques.

For example, Squid supports such "dynamic components" as eCAP adaptation modules (that may use AI and similar techniques), and some Squid developers use "auto-complete or suggested text functionalities" and automated "translation" mentioned below as examples of (presumably) the "techniques" in the above question.

Nothing related to the above question should affect Squid adoption at Fannie Mae IMHO: FWIW, Squid code is created and/or curated by humans, just like it has been for decades, but we may use any new techniques at our disposal, so the past should not really matter.

Examples of non-traditional modeling capabilities include but are not limited to: auto-complete or suggested text functionalities; optical character recognition (OCR) or other image recognition and processing; transcription, translation, speech-to-text or text-to-speech; search engines; virtual assistants; and other assistive technologies."

Please note that the above examples do not quite match the question: The question does not use the words "non-traditional modeling capabilities".

If you explain the actual goal of these questions, you may receive better guidance. Right now, it feels like virtually any complex software is likely to qualify for a "yes" answer because the question is so vague and so broad. For example, auto-complete has been in use for many years, long before large language models and AI bots using them became popular.



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