ok - as it seems my squid quacked on low memory again today -
Dec 26 00:04:25 gw (squid-1): FATAL: Too many queued store_id requests;
see on-persistent-overload.#012 current master transaction: master4629331
Dec 26 00:04:28 gw squid[15485]: Squid Parent: squid-1 process 15487
exited with status 1
Dec 26 00:04:28 gw squid[15485]: Squid Parent: (squid-1) process 28375
2021/12/26 00:01:20 kid1| helperOpenServers: Starting 5/64
'storeid_file_rewrite' processes
2021/12/26 00:01:20 kid1| ipcCreate: fork: (12) Cannot allocate memory
2021/12/26 00:01:20 kid1| WARNING: Cannot run
'/lib/squid5/storeid_file_rewrite' process.
2021/12/26 00:01:20 kid1| ipcCreate: fork: (12) Cannot allocate memory
I'm going to reroute my clients (which are on their days off anyway) to
direct connections and run it "dry" - on it's own. But I'm not able to
to test it before "lack of memory issues occur" - because my clients are
offline. So I'll watch squid for it's own memory consuption. It's all I
can do right now - my squid already restarted and it's memory has been
freed - so I think just now I have no power to fill it up again :-]
Dne 26.12.2021 v 7:41 Amos Jeffries napsal(a):
If possible can one of you run a Squid to get this behaviour, then
stop new clients connecting to it before lack of memory issues occur
and see if the memory usage disappears or reduces after a 24-48hr wait.
A series of regular mempools report dumps from across the test may
help Alex or whoever works on the bug eliminate further which cache
and client related things are releasing properly.
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