I've inherited an old machine running squid 2.6 and planning to refresh it. 
There are many clients in our environment and I'd like to put together a list 
of those so that they can be updated if the IP/hostname changes.Looking at the 
docs, I see cache.log and store.log but access.log is empty? From store.log, I 
can pipe it to [perl -p -e 's/^([0-9]*)/"[".localtime($1)."]"/e'] but that just 
replaces the timestamp, I can't seem to get our clients that are connecting to 
our squid proxy.
I've run a netstat for a few days and captured anything that was connecting to 
port 3128, but I'm not sure if that gets me all our clients.Is there a better 
way to generate a list of all clients that use it?Thanks
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