hey sorry i accidently directly sent it again, instead of the email list:

On Tuesday, June 22nd, 2021 at 3:50 PM, Antony Stone 
<antony.st...@squid.open.source.it> wrote:

> You might want to be aware that this is illegal in many countries, and a 
> number of Internet Service Providers have been sued and/or fined for 
> manipulating the content of websites as they pass through their systems.

Thanks for the warning, I dont think this will really be a problem for me 

 1.  What makes you believe that sites have an HTTP version?

I dont see why they wouldnt, like sure they would prefer https but why would 
http not work if forced

2.  What do you think should happen when sites do have an HTTP version,  and 
that consists solely of a 301 Permanent Redirect to the HTTPS version

I didnt think of this, this would be a problem i guess, but I dont think it 
would be too common.

Maybe squid isnt the right software for this?
- Arctic
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