
Thank you for your reply.
It was very helpful.

> That number was gained before HTTPS became so popular. So YMMV depending
> on how many CONNECT tunnels you have to deal with. That HTTPS traffic can
possibly be decrypted
> and cached but performance trade-offs are quite large.

Squid uses SSL-Bump.
I'm very worried about the internet slowing down due to https decording.
and I'm also worried about the internet slowing down due to using Blacklist.
I load tens of thousands of URL(black list file) every time I set up ACL.

How many requests does SSL-Bump in one second?

Thank you,

2020年8月5日(水) 10:32 Amos Jeffries <>:

> On 5/08/20 11:28 am, m k wrote:
> >> We are considering to use Squid for our proxy, and would like to know
> >> performance sizing aspects.
> >>
> >> Current web access request averages per 1 hour are as followings
> >> Clients:30,000、
> >> Page Views:141,741/hour
> >> *Requests:4,893,106
> >>
> Okay. Requests and client count are the important numbers there.
> The ~1359 req/sec is well within a default Squid capabilities, which can
> extend up to around 10k req/sec before needing careful tuning.
> That number was gained before HTTPS became so popular. So YMMV depending
> on how many CONNECT tunnels you have to deal with. That HTTPS traffic
> can possibly be decrypted and cached but performance trade-offs are
> quite large.

> >> We will install Squid on CentOS 8.1.   Please kindly share your
> >> thoughts / advices
> Whatever OS you are most comfortable with administering. Be aware that
> CentOS official Squid packages are very slow to update - Apparently they
> still have only v4.4 (8 months old) despite a 8.2 point release only a
> few weeks ago.
> So you may need to be building your own from sources and/or using other
> semi-official packagers such as the ones from Eliezer at NGTech when he
> gets around to CentOS 8 packages.
>   <>
> FYI; If you find yourself having to use SSL-Bump, then we highly
> recommended to follow the latest Squid releases with fairly frequent
> updates (at minimum a few times per year - worst case monthly). If you
> like CentOS you may find Fedora more suitable to track the security
> environment volatility and update churn.
> >> Is there sizing methodology and tools?
> There are a couple of methodologies, depending on what aspect you are
> tuning towards - and one for identifying the limitation points to begin
> a tuning process tuning.
> The info you gave above is the beginning. Checking to see if your
> traffic rate is reasonably within capability of a single Squid instance.
> Yours is reasonable, so next step is to get Squid running and see where
> the trouble points (if any) are.
>  For more see <>
> >> How much resources are generally recommended for our environment?
> >> CPU: Memory: Disk space : Other factors to be considered if any:
> >> Do you have a generally recommended performance testing tools? Any
> >> suggested guidelines?
> >>
>  CPU - squid is still mostly single-process. So prioritize faster GHz
> rates over core number. Multi-core can help of course, but not as much
> as cycle speeds do. Hyper-threading is useless for Squid.
>  Memory - Squid will use as much as you can give it. Let your budget
> govern this.
>  Disk - Squid will happily run with no disk - or lots of large ones.
>    - Avoid RAID. Squid *will* shorten disk lifetimes with its unusually
> high write I/O pattern. How much shorter varies by disk type (HDD vs
> SSD). So you may find it better to plan budget towards maintenance costs
> of replacing disks in future rather than buying multiple up-front for
> RAID use.
>  see <> for details.
>     - Up to a few hundred GB per cache_dir can be good for large caches.
> Going up to TB is not (yet) worth the disk cost as Squid has a per-cache
> limit on stored objects.
>    - Disk caches can be re-tuned, added, moved, removed, and/or extended
> at any time and will depend on the profile of object sizes your proxy
> handles - which itself likely changes over time. So general let your
> budget decide the initial disks and work from there.
> Load Testing - the tools us dev use to review performance are listed at
> the bottom of the profiling FAQ page. These are best for testing the
> theoretical limits of a particular installation - real traffic tends to
> be somewhat lower. So I personally prefer taking stats from the running
> proxy on real traffic and seeing what I can observe from those.
> Amos
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