sorry, i did not found this script, and the binary is not available on our product, because i'm no developer...
But i think, we have a caching problem here, i found out, that the group informations are only updated on a squid reconfigure. And also the acl note group ... seems to be cached as long as squid is restarted completely. I removed the configured group from the user, but i could see this group still maching in the cache.log, also after a reconfigure, when the auth_helper does not tell about this group any more. > Ah. Sorry. I should have checked the protocol sequence, it has been a > while since last I played with these tokens. > > For Kerberos there should be a script and > negotiate_kerberos_auth_test binary available for debugging these auth > details. > > Run the with with your Squid hostname as its > command line parameter. > > > Amos > _______________________________________________ > squid-users mailing list > > Klaus --- genua GmbH Domagkstrasse 7, 85551 Kirchheim bei Muenchen tel +49 89 991950-0, fax -999, Geschaeftsfuehrer: Matthias Ochs, Marc Tesch Amtsgericht Muenchen HRB 98238 genua ist ein Unternehmen der Bundesdruckerei-Gruppe. _______________________________________________ squid-users mailing list