Hey Alex,


What OS exactly is shipping this service file?





 <http://ngtech.co.il/lmgtfy/> Eliezer Croitoru
Linux System Administrator
Mobile: +972-5-28704261
Email: elie...@ngtech.co.il


From: squid-users <squid-users-boun...@lists.squid-cache.org> On Behalf Of Alex 
Sent: Saturday, June 9, 2018 16:31
To: Amos Jeffries <squ...@treenet.co.nz>
Cc: squid-users@lists.squid-cache.org
Subject: Re: [squid-users] PID file /var/run/squid.pid not readable AND 
Supervising process XXX which is not our child


Getting back to this, I face also issues that seems to be related with how 
systemd handles squid. 

Frequently when I try restart the VM the VM is stuch at stopping squid and it 
never restarts. 


Checking the differences between the autogenerated service file and the one 
shipped with squid I see: 


diff /run/systemd/generator.late/squid.service 
< # Automatically generated by systemd-sysv-generator
> ## Copyright (C) 1996-2016 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors
> ##
> ## Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes
> ## contributions from numerous individuals and organizations.
> ## Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details.
> ##
< Documentation=man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
< SourcePath=/etc/init.d/squid
< Description=LSB: Squid HTTP Proxy version 3.x
< Before=multi-user.target
< Before=multi-user.target
< Before=multi-user.target
< Before=graphical.target
< After=network-online.target
< After=remote-fs.target
< After=nss-lookup.target
< Wants=network-online.target
> Description=Squid Web Proxy Server
> After=network.target
< Type=forking
< Restart=no
< TimeoutSec=5min
< IgnoreSIGPIPE=no
> Type=simple
> ExecStart=/usr/sbin/squid -sYC -N
> ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID
< GuessMainPID=no
< RemainAfterExit=no
< PIDFile=/var/run/squid.pid
< SuccessExitStatus=5 6
< ExecStart=/etc/init.d/squid start
< ExecStop=/etc/init.d/squid stop
< ExecReload=/etc/init.d/squid reload
> [Install]
> WantedBy=multi-user.target


So do I just overwrite the  squid.service of the system with the one shipped 
with squid?





On Thu, May 10, 2018 at 5:09 AM, Amos Jeffries <squ...@treenet.co.nz 
<mailto:squ...@treenet.co.nz> > wrote:

On 10/05/18 11:53, Roberto Carna wrote:
> Dear, I have Squid/Dansguardian in a Debian 9 server.
> My Squid packages is from Debian repo, it is the stable version:
> squid                          3.5.23-5+deb9u1
> But when I read I notice two curious lines:
> systemd[1]: squid.service: PID file /var/run/squid.pid not readable
> (yet?) after start: No such file or directory
> systemd[1]: squid.service: Supervising process 895 which is not our
> child. We'll most likely not notice when it exits.
> Is it normal or do I have to solve these? I repeat Squid is running OK...

systemd cannot cope with daemons like Squid-3. All you can do for now is
ensure that you use the init.d scripts to manage Squid. Do not use the
"service ..." commands provided by systemd.

Squid-4 packages that resolve these issues are in Debian experimental
awaiting an official upstream stable release.
 NP: the major bugs preventing upstream stable are not affecting the
Debian package features. You can use the Squid-4 package now if you wish
by adding that "experimental" repository to your apt sources.list,
update apt, then install/upgrade Squid with "apt-get -t experimental
install squid".


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