On 07.12.17 14:12, Ing. Pedro Pablo Delgado Martell wrote:
I have been reading about the difference between a KB and a KiB,

the kilo (1000) uses lowercase 'k' as defined by SI prefixes.

... when learning about computers some 30 years ago, we have used
capital 'K' that was meant to be 1024.

later I was told that some people (apparently mostly at electrical
engineering) used upper case K, M and G to measure multiples, while lower
case m, u and n were meant for fractions.

Ki, Mi and Gi were introduced later in order to provide more precise
in computing environment.

HDD manufacturers still use decimal prefixes - it looks better to have 5000
gigabyte HDDs than 4656 Gigabyte...

Kilobyte and Kibibyte respectively. According to several websites, also Google,  1KB = 1000 bytes and 1KiB = 1024 bytes. However, you guys say on /etc/squid/squid.conf this:

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