
I'd like to allow by default and deny only according to the ACLs I define.

Here's an example with Telegram. I'd like to deny all application/octet-stream 
mime types in requests and replies except for a set of IP addresses or domains.

acl denied_restricted1_mimetypes_req req_mime_type -i 
acl denied_restricted1_mimetypes_rep rep_mime_type -i 
acl allowed_restricted1_domains dstdomain -i 
acl allowed_restricted1_ips dst 
http_access deny denied_restricted1_mimetypes_req !allowed_restricted1_domains 
http_reply_access deny denied_restricted1_mimetypes_rep 
!allowed_restricted1_domains !allowed_restricted1_ips

# cat /usr/local/proxy-settings/allowed.restricted1.domains

# cat /usr/local/proxy-settings/allowed.restricted1.ips

# cat /usr/local/proxy-settings/denied.restricted1.mimetypes

I see this in access.log:

1498463484.530    413 TCP_DENIED_REPLY/403 4085 POST - ORIGINAL_DST/ text/html

I searched for the relevant parts in cache.log:

# grep -e "^2017/06/26 09:51:24.48[0-4]" /var/log/squid/cache.test.log_JL
2017/06/26 09:51:24.480 kid1| 28,3| Checklist.cc(70) preCheck: 0x80de0648 
checking slow rules
2017/06/26 09:51:24.480 kid1| 28,5| Acl.cc(138) matches: checking 
2017/06/26 09:51:24.480 kid1| 28,5| Checklist.cc(400) bannedAction: Action 
'DENIED/0is not banned
2017/06/26 09:51:24.480 kid1| 28,5| Acl.cc(138) matches: checking 
2017/06/26 09:51:24.480 kid1| 28,5| Acl.cc(138) matches: checking 
2017/06/26 09:51:24.480 kid1| 28,3| RegexData.cc(51) match: 
aclRegexData::match: checking '/api'
2017/06/26 09:51:24.480 kid1| 28,3| RegexData.cc(62) match: 
aclRegexData::match: looking for 
2017/06/26 09:51:24.480 kid1| 28,3| Acl.cc(158) matches: checked: 
denied_filetypes = 0
2017/06/26 09:51:24.480 kid1| 28,3| Acl.cc(158) matches: checked: 
http_reply_access#1 = 0
2017/06/26 09:51:24.480 kid1| 28,5| Checklist.cc(400) bannedAction: Action 
'DENIED/0is not banned
2017/06/26 09:51:24.480 kid1| 28,5| Acl.cc(138) matches: checking 
2017/06/26 09:51:24.480 kid1| 28,5| Acl.cc(138) matches: checking 
2017/06/26 09:51:24.480 kid1| 28,3| RegexData.cc(51) match: 
aclRegexData::match: checking 'application/octet-stream'
2017/06/26 09:51:24.480 kid1| 28,3| RegexData.cc(62) match: 
aclRegexData::match: looking for 
2017/06/26 09:51:24.480 kid1| 28,3| Acl.cc(158) matches: checked: 
denied_mimetypes_rep = 0
2017/06/26 09:51:24.480 kid1| 28,3| Acl.cc(158) matches: checked: 
http_reply_access#2 = 0
2017/06/26 09:51:24.480 kid1| 28,5| Checklist.cc(400) bannedAction: Action 
'DENIED/0is not banned
2017/06/26 09:51:24.480 kid1| 28,5| Acl.cc(138) matches: checking 
2017/06/26 09:51:24.480 kid1| 28,5| Acl.cc(138) matches: checking 
2017/06/26 09:51:24.480 kid1| 28,3| RegexData.cc(51) match: 
aclRegexData::match: checking 'application/octet-stream'
2017/06/26 09:51:24.480 kid1| 28,3| RegexData.cc(62) match: 
aclRegexData::match: looking for 
2017/06/26 09:51:24.480 kid1| 28,3| Acl.cc(158) matches: checked: 
denied_extra1_mimetypes_rep = 0
2017/06/26 09:51:24.480 kid1| 28,3| Acl.cc(158) matches: checked: 
http_reply_access#3 = 0
2017/06/26 09:51:24.480 kid1| 28,5| Checklist.cc(400) bannedAction: Action 
'DENIED/0is not banned
2017/06/26 09:51:24.480 kid1| 28,5| Acl.cc(138) matches: checking 
2017/06/26 09:51:24.480 kid1| 28,5| Acl.cc(138) matches: checking 
2017/06/26 09:51:24.480 kid1| 28,3| RegexData.cc(51) match: 
aclRegexData::match: checking 'application/octet-stream'
2017/06/26 09:51:24.480 kid1| 28,3| RegexData.cc(62) match: 
aclRegexData::match: looking for '(^application/octet-stream$)'
2017/06/26 09:51:24.480 kid1| 28,2| RegexData.cc(73) match: 
aclRegexData::match: match '(^application/octet-stream$)' found in 
2017/06/26 09:51:24.480 kid1| 28,3| Acl.cc(158) matches: checked: 
denied_restricted1_mimetypes_rep = 1
2017/06/26 09:51:24.480 kid1| 28,5| Acl.cc(138) matches: checking !allowed_ips
2017/06/26 09:51:24.480 kid1| 28,5| Acl.cc(138) matches: checking allowed_ips
2017/06/26 09:51:24.480 kid1| 28,3| Ip.cc(539) match: aclIpMatchIp: 
'' NOT found
2017/06/26 09:51:24.480 kid1| 28,3| Acl.cc(158) matches: checked: allowed_ips = 0
2017/06/26 09:51:24.480 kid1| 28,3| Acl.cc(158) matches: checked: !allowed_ips 
= 1
2017/06/26 09:51:24.480 kid1| 28,5| Acl.cc(138) matches: checking 
2017/06/26 09:51:24.480 kid1| 28,5| Acl.cc(138) matches: checking 
2017/06/26 09:51:24.480 kid1| 28,3| DomainData.cc(108) match: 
aclMatchDomainList: checking ''
2017/06/26 09:51:24.480 kid1| 28,3| DomainData.cc(113) match: 
aclMatchDomainList: '' NOT found
2017/06/26 09:51:24.481 kid1| 14,4| ipcache.cc(810) ipcacheCheckNumeric: 
ipcacheCheckNumeric: HIT_BYPASS for '' ==
2017/06/26 09:51:24.481 kid1| 28,3| DestinationDomain.cc(85) match: 
aclMatchAcl: Can't yet compare 'allowed_restricted1_domains' ACL for 
2017/06/26 09:51:24.481 kid1| 35,4| fqdncache.cc(425) 
fqdncache_nbgethostbyaddr: fqdncache_nbgethostbyaddr: Name ''.
2017/06/26 09:51:24.481 kid1| 35,4| fqdncache.cc(447) 
fqdncache_nbgethostbyaddr: fqdncache_nbgethostbyaddr: HIT for ''
2017/06/26 09:51:24.481 kid1| 28,3| DomainData.cc(108) match: 
aclMatchDomainList: checking 'none'
2017/06/26 09:51:24.481 kid1| 28,3| DomainData.cc(113) match: 
aclMatchDomainList: 'none' NOT found
2017/06/26 09:51:24.481 kid1| 28,3| Acl.cc(158) matches: checked: 
allowed_restricted1_domains = 0
2017/06/26 09:51:24.481 kid1| 28,3| Acl.cc(158) matches: checked: 
!allowed_restricted1_domains = 1
2017/06/26 09:51:24.481 kid1| 28,5| Acl.cc(138) matches: checking 
2017/06/26 09:51:24.481 kid1| 28,5| Acl.cc(138) matches: checking 
2017/06/26 09:51:24.481 kid1| 28,3| Ip.cc(539) match: aclIpMatchIp: 
'' NOT found
2017/06/26 09:51:24.481 kid1| 28,3| Acl.cc(158) matches: checked: 
allowed_restricted1_ips = 0
2017/06/26 09:51:24.481 kid1| 28,3| Acl.cc(158) matches: checked: 
!allowed_restricted1_ips = 1
2017/06/26 09:51:24.481 kid1| 28,3| Acl.cc(158) matches: checked: 
http_reply_access#4 = 1
2017/06/26 09:51:24.481 kid1| 28,3| Acl.cc(158) matches: checked: 
http_reply_access = 1
2017/06/26 09:51:24.481 kid1| 28,3| Checklist.cc(63) markFinished: 0x80de0648 
answer DENIED for match
2017/06/26 09:51:24.481 kid1| 28,3| Checklist.cc(163) checkCallback: 
ACLChecklist::checkCallback: 0x80de0648 answer=DENIED
2017/06/26 09:51:24.481 kid1| 88,2| client_side_reply.cc(2001) 
processReplyAccessResult: The reply for POST is 
DENIED, because it matched allowed_restricted1_ips
2017/06/26 09:51:24.481 kid1| 90,3| store_client.cc(664) storeUnregister: 
storeUnregister: called for '3333CC1501BBE277B139F5F07A4F1141'
2017/06/26 09:51:24.481 kid1| 20,3| store.cc(484) lock: storeUnregister locked 
key 3333CC1501BBE277B139F5F07A4F1141 e:=p2XDIV/0x80d96640*4
2017/06/26 09:51:24.481 kid1| 90,3| store_client.cc(758) storePendingNClients: 
storePendingNClients: returning 0
2017/06/26 09:51:24.481 kid1| 90,3| store_client.cc(768) 
CheckQuickAbortIsReasonable: entry=0x80d96640, mem=0x814b8720
2017/06/26 09:51:24.481 kid1| 90,3| store_client.cc(771) 
CheckQuickAbortIsReasonable: quick-abort? YES !mem->request->flags.cachable
2017/06/26 09:51:24.481 kid1| 20,3| store.cc(484) lock: StoreEntry::abort 
locked key 3333CC1501BBE277B139F5F07A4F1141 e:=p2XDIV/0x80d96640*5
2017/06/26 09:51:24.481 kid1| 90,3| store_client.cc(732) invokeHandlers: 
InvokeHandlers: 3333CC1501BBE277B139F5F07A4F1141
2017/06/26 09:51:24.481 kid1| 20,3| store_swapout.cc(273) swapOutFileClose: 
storeSwapOutFileClose: 3333CC1501BBE277B139F5F07A4F1141 how=1
2017/06/26 09:51:24.481 kid1| 20,3| store_swapout.cc(274) swapOutFileClose: 
storeSwapOutFileClose: sio = 0
2017/06/26 09:51:24.481 kid1| 20,3| store.cc(522) unlock: StoreEntry::abort 
unlocking key 3333CC1501BBE277B139F5F07A4F1141 e:=sp2XDINVA/0x80d96640*5
2017/06/26 09:51:24.481 kid1| 20,3| store.cc(522) unlock: storeUnregister 
unlocking key 3333CC1501BBE277B139F5F07A4F1141 e:=sp2XDINVA/0x80d96640*4
2017/06/26 09:51:24.481 kid1| 20,3| store.cc(522) unlock: 
clientReplyContext::removeStoreReference unlocking key 
3333CC1501BBE277B139F5F07A4F1141 e:=sp2XDINVA/0x80d96640*3
2017/06/26 09:51:24.481 kid1| 20,3| store.cc(779) storeCreatePureEntry: 
storeCreateEntry: ''
2017/06/26 09:51:24.481 kid1| 20,5| store.cc(371) StoreEntry: StoreEntry 
constructed, this=0x80ba5460
2017/06/26 09:51:24.481 kid1| 20,3| MemObject.cc(97) MemObject: new MemObject 
2017/06/26 09:51:24.481 kid1| 20,3| store.cc(500) setReleaseFlag: 
StoreEntry::setReleaseFlag: '[null_store_key]'
2017/06/26 09:51:24.481 kid1| 20,3| store_key_md5.cc(89) storeKeyPrivate: 
storeKeyPrivate: POST
2017/06/26 09:51:24.481 kid1| 20,3| store.cc(448) hashInsert: 
StoreEntry::hashInsert: Inserting Entry e:=XI/0x80ba5460*0 key 
2017/06/26 09:51:24.481 kid1| 20,3| store.cc(484) lock: storeCreateEntry locked 
key CCEA5776796B6352934736B5664CDAEA e:=XIV/0x80ba5460*1
2017/06/26 09:51:24.481 kid1| 90,3| store_client.cc(200) copy: 
store_client::copy: CCEA5776796B6352934736B5664CDAEA, from 0, for length 4096, 
cb 1, cbdata 0x8172e1a0
2017/06/26 09:51:24.481 kid1| 20,3| store.cc(484) lock: store_client::copy 
locked key CCEA5776796B6352934736B5664CDAEA e:=XIV/0x80ba5460*2
2017/06/26 09:51:24.481 kid1| 90,3| store_client.cc(297) storeClientCopy2: 
storeClientCopy2: CCEA5776796B6352934736B5664CDAEA
2017/06/26 09:51:24.482 kid1| 33,5| store_client.cc(329) doCopy: 
store_client::doCopy: co: 0, hi: 0
2017/06/26 09:51:24.482 kid1| 90,3| store_client.cc(341) doCopy: 
store_client::doCopy: Waiting for more
2017/06/26 09:51:24.482 kid1| 20,3| store.cc(522) unlock: store_client::copy 
unlocking key CCEA5776796B6352934736B5664CDAEA e:=XIV/0x80ba5460*2
2017/06/26 09:51:24.482 kid1| 4,4| errorpage.cc(603) errorAppendEntry: Creating 
an error page for entry 0x80ba5460 with errorstate 0x80e430e0 page id 1
2017/06/26 09:51:24.482 kid1| 6,5| disk.cc(71) file_open: file_open: FD 79
2017/06/26 09:51:24.482 kid1| 51,3| fd.cc(198) fd_open: fd_open() FD 79 
2017/06/26 09:51:24.482 kid1| 6,5| disk.cc(126) file_close: file_close: FD 79 
really closing
2017/06/26 09:51:24.482 kid1| 51,3| fd.cc(93) fd_close: fd_close FD 79 
2017/06/26 09:51:24.482 kid1| 5,5| ModEpoll.cc(116) SetSelect: FD 79, type=1, 
handler=0, client_data=0, timeout=0
2017/06/26 09:51:24.482 kid1| 5,5| ModEpoll.cc(116) SetSelect: FD 79, type=2, 
handler=0, client_data=0, timeout=0
2017/06/26 09:51:24.482 kid1| 4,3| errorpage.cc(1101) Convert: errorConvert: 
%%l --> '/*
2017/06/26 09:51:24.482 kid1| 4,3| errorpage.cc(1101) Convert: errorConvert: 
%%; --> '%;'
2017/06/26 09:51:24.482 kid1| 4,3| errorpage.cc(1101) Convert: errorConvert: 
2017/06/26 09:51:24.482 kid1| 4,3| errorpage.cc(1101) Convert: errorConvert: 
%%U --> ''
2017/06/26 09:51:24.483 kid1| 20,2| store.cc(954) checkCachable: 
StoreEntry::checkCachable: NO: not cachable
2017/06/26 09:51:24.483 kid1| 20,3| store_swapout.cc(381) mayStartSwapOut: not 
2017/06/26 09:51:24.483 kid1| 20,2| store.cc(954) checkCachable: 
StoreEntry::checkCachable: NO: not cachable
2017/06/26 09:51:24.483 kid1| 90,3| store_client.cc(732) invokeHandlers: 
InvokeHandlers: CCEA5776796B6352934736B5664CDAEA
2017/06/26 09:51:24.483 kid1| 90,3| store_client.cc(738) invokeHandlers: 
StoreEntry::InvokeHandlers: checking client #0
2017/06/26 09:51:24.483 kid1| 90,3| store_client.cc(297) storeClientCopy2: 
storeClientCopy2: CCEA5776796B6352934736B5664CDAEA
2017/06/26 09:51:24.483 kid1| 33,5| store_client.cc(329) doCopy: 
store_client::doCopy: co: 0, hi: 3960
2017/06/26 09:51:24.483 kid1| 90,3| store_client.cc(433) scheduleMemRead: 
store_client::doCopy: Copying normal from memory
2017/06/26 09:51:24.483 kid1| 88,5| client_side_reply.cc(2154) sendMoreData: 
clientReplyContext::sendMoreData:, 3960 bytes (3960 
new bytes)
2017/06/26 09:51:24.483 kid1| 88,5| client_side_reply.cc(2158) sendMoreData: 
clientReplyContext::sendMoreData:local= remote= 
FD 56 flags=17 '' out.offset=0
2017/06/26 09:51:24.483 kid1| 88,2| client_side_reply.cc(2001) 
processReplyAccessResult: The reply for POST is 
ALLOWED, because it matched allowed_restricted1_ips
2017/06/26 09:51:24.483 kid1| 20,3| store.cc(484) lock: 
ClientHttpRequest::loggingEntry locked key CCEA5776796B6352934736B5664CDAEA 
2017/06/26 09:51:24.483 kid1| 88,3| client_side_reply.cc(2039) 
processReplyAccessResult: clientReplyContext::sendMoreData: Appending 3711 
bytes after 249 bytes of headers
2017/06/26 09:51:24.484 kid1| 87,3| clientStream.cc(162) clientStreamCallback: 
clientStreamCallback: Calling 1 with cbdata 0x8172e184 from node 0x80b74508
2017/06/26 09:51:24.484 kid1| 11,2| client_side.cc(1391) sendStartOfMessage: 
HTTP Client local= remote= FD 56 flags=17
2017/06/26 09:51:24.484 kid1| 11,2| client_side.cc(1392) sendStartOfMessage: 

I see 2 apparently contradictory log messages (well, for me that is -- I'm 
still learning how to read the log):
The reply for POST is DENIED, because it matched 
The reply for POST is ALLOWED, because it matched 

Why is this happening?


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