On 10/05/2016 05:49 PM, squid-us...@filter.luko.org wrote:
>> See "early return"
>> statements in clientReplyContext::processReplyAccess(), including:
>>>     /** Don't block our own responses or HTTP status messages */
>>>     if (http->logType.oldType == LOG_TCP_DENIED ||
>>>             http->logType.oldType == LOG_TCP_DENIED_REPLY ||
>>>             alwaysAllowResponse(reply->sline.status())) {
>>>         headers_sz = reply->hdr_sz;
>>>         processReplyAccessResult(ACCESS_ALLOWED);
>>>         return;
>>>     }

> It would be great if there was a way to slow
> down 407 responses; at the moment the only workaround I can think of
> is to write a log-watching script to maintain a list of offending
> IP/domain pairs, then write a helper to use that data to introduce
> delay when the request is first received (via http_access and the
> !all trick).  If anyone has a better option, I'm all ears.

An alternative idea: Change clientReplyContext::processReplyAccess() and
related code so that the http_reply_access ACL is always checked but,
under the conditions quoted above, the result of that check is forced to
be interpreted as ACCESS_ALLOWED.

This alternative requires a little bit of Squid development and testing,
of course, and I am not sure such a trick can be officially accepted.


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