Hey Anthony,

I have used apt-cacher-ng, but it can't save git repos or npm repos. Also i
have used apt-cacher-ng, it used to work great until 12.02 but when we had
started to have mixed setup [ ubuntu 13,14.04 and others ] we got issues
within our setup and one point issues became so daily we decided to scrap

On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 12:43 AM, Antony Stone <
antony.st...@squid.open.source.it> wrote:

> On Wednesday 05 October 2016 at 20:40:46, Hardik Dangar wrote:
> > Hey Jok,
> >
> > Thanks for the suggetion but the big issue with that is i have to
> download
> > whole repository about ( 80-120 GB ) first and then each week i need to
> > download 20 to 25 GB.
> This is not true for apt-cacher-ng.  You install it and it does nothing.
> You
> point your Debian (or Ubuntu, maybe other Debian-derived distros as well, I
> haven't tested) machines at it as their APT proxy, and it then caches
> content
> as it gets requested and downloaded.  Each machine which requests a new
> package causes that package to get cached.  Each machine which requests a
> cached package gets the local copy (unless it's been updated, in which case
> the cache gets updated).
> > We hardly use any of that except few popular repos.
> > big issue i always have with most of them is third party repo's.
> > squid-deb-proxy is quite reliable but again its squid with custom config
> > nothing else and it fails to cache google debs.
> >
> > Squid is perfect for me because it can cache things which is requested
> > first time. So next time anybody requests it it's ready.
> This is exactly how apt-cacher-ng works.  I use it myself and I would
> recommend you investigate it further for this purpose.
> > The problem lies when big companies like google and github does not
> wants us
> > to cache their content and puts various tricks so we can't do that.
> That's a strange concept for a Debian repository (even third-party).
> Are you sure you're talking about repositories and not just isolated .deb
> files?
> Antony.
> --
> A user interface is like a joke.
> If you have to explain it, it didn't work.
>                                                    Please reply to the
> list;
>                                                          please *don't* CC
> me.
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