I'm using a transparent proxy and SSL-peek and have hit a problem with an iOS app which seems to be doing broken things with the SNI.

The app is making an HTTPS connection to a server and presenting an SNI with a wildcard in it - i.e. "*.example.com". I'm not sure if this behaviour is actually illegal, but it certainly doesn't seem to make a lot of sense to me.

Squid then internally generates a "CONNECT *.example.com:443" request based on the peeked SNI, which is picked up by hostHeaderIpVerify(). Since *.example.com isn't a valid DNS name, Squid rejects the connection on the basis that *.example.com doesn't match the IP address that the client is connecting to.

Unfortunately, I can't see any way of working around the problem - "host_verify_strict" is disabled, but according to the docs, "For now suspicious intercepted CONNECT requests are always responded to with an HTTP 409 (Conflict) error page."

As I understand it, turning host_verify_strict on causes problems with CDNs which use DNS tricks for load balancing, so I'm not sure I understand the rationale behind preventing it from being turned off for CONNECT requests?

 - Steve Hill
   Technical Director
   Opendium Limited     http://www.opendium.com

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