On Monday 13 June 2016 at 15:01:02, Nilesh Gavali wrote:

> Facing issue while accessing HTTPS via squid, normal http traffic working
> fine.

Please define "issue", with as much detail as possible:

 - what exactly are you trying to do when a problem occurs?

 - have you previously been able to do this without the problem occurring?  If 
so, what has changed between then and now (different squid config, different 
squid version, different browser...)?

 - what is the actual problem (what error message is displayed, if there is 

 - what appears in your access.log when the problem occurs?

 - any other information you think might be relevant to us in working out 
what's happening on your network?

> I have squid 3.1.10 on RHEL.6.0

For HTTPS traffic in particular you are strongly advised to upgrade.



In the Beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

 - Terry Pratchett

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