On 10/03/2016 2:50 a.m., joe wrote:
> what im trying to explain is  varyEvaluateMatch  90%  chrome or download
> manager
> firefox and ie..  no issue even on mobile   firefox is no problem  chrome
> has

The "problem" is that when Squid looks up a URL whih has variant(s) in
the cache it looks up the plain URL, then gets an object that tells it
to lookup a special pattern as well (the VaryMark object).

When it does that second lookup the Forefox etc are finding a copy of
the object which has Vary headers matcgin what Squdi was told to lookup

When Chrome is used Squid finds something else, which does not have Vary
header at all - or has a different one. Either way its not the correct
object for this request.

Squid treats the event as a MISS, and delivers the right content to the
clients anyway. But its a bit of a mystery - several people on and off
have reported it.


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