Hi Amos,

I have had a chance to perform some further investigation into the
slow-upload issue. And, it appears to be due to how the buffer is used
when reading from the client-socket.

Here's the behavior I have seen: When the connection is set up, the
buffer gets a size of 16KB (default). Squid reads from the socket,
parses the data, and then sends it towards c-icap as appropriate. Now,
as part of parsing the data, the buffer is NUL-terminated via a call
to c_str(). This NUL-termination, however, is not accounted for by an
increase in the "offset" (off) in the underlying MemBlob, therefore,
the offset and size go out of sync. This seems to be OK in some cases,
but in others this out-of-sync accounting causes problems.
Specifically, it can result in MemBlob::canAppend() failing because
MemBlob::isAppendOffset() fails -- the 'off' and 'size' are not the
same due to the above c_str() call. When canAppend() fails, a new
buffer is re-allocated. When this reallocation occurs, however, the
new size of the buffer is dependent on the size being reserved. Since
that size is usually smaller than 16KB (as an example), the new buffer
is going to require a (usually) smaller buffer. Sometimes this buffer
drops down to a few hundred bytes or as low as 40B. But, once the new
buffer is allocated, its size now becomes the new maximum, with no
subsequent reads being able to be larger than the new size. Therefore,
read calls end up reduced to a few bytes at a time.

As a temporary measure, I have an experimental change that checks
whether the body size is known and if known always reserves a large
enough size (currently 16K). With this in place, although there are
occasional low-byte-count read calls, overall larger reads occur and
therefore upload speed remains consistently high.

The version I have is 3.5.1.

I have some snippets from the logs below, to help with the flow. You
can see, for instance, that between 22:09:07.469 and 22:09:07.470, the
buffer drops down to the smallest possible 40B. Let me know if you
need any further data on this.


src/SBuf.cc: SBuf::c_str
const char*
    /* null-terminate the current buffer, by hand-appending a \0 at its tail but
     * without increasing its length. May COW, the side-effect is to
guarantee that
     * the MemBlob's tail is availabe for us to use */
    *rawSpace(1) = '\0';
    return buf();

Snippets from the logs, showing the buffer SBuf2851
2016/01/06 22:09:06.398| SBuf.cc(79) SBuf: SBuf2851 created
2016/01/06 22:09:06.398| SBuf.cc(79) SBuf: SBuf2852 created
2016/01/06 22:09:06.398| SBuf.cc(79) SBuf: SBuf2853 created
2016/01/06 22:09:06.399| client_side.cc(3228) clientReadRequest:
local= remote= FD 15 flags=1
2016/01/06 22:09:06.399| cbdata.cc(394) cbdataInternalLock: 0x1123d58=7
2016/01/06 22:09:06.399| SBuf.cc(168) rawSpace: reserving 16382 for SBuf2851
2016/01/06 22:09:06.399| SBuf.cc(910) cow: new size:16382
2016/01/06 22:09:06.399| SBuf.cc(880) reAlloc: new size: 16382
2016/01/06 22:09:06.399| MemBlob.cc(57) MemBlob: constructed,
this=0x12b10f0 id=blob4211 reserveSize=16382
2016/01/06 22:09:06.399| MemBlob.cc(102) memAlloc: blob4211 memAlloc:
requested=16382, received=16384
2016/01/06 22:09:06.399| SBuf.cc(889) reAlloc: new store capacity: 16384
2016/01/06 22:09:06.399| Read.cc(91) ReadNow: local=
remote= FD 15 flags=1, size 16382, retval 202, errno 0
2016/01/06 22:09:06.399| SBuf.cc(215) append: from c-string to id SBuf2851
2016/01/06 22:09:06.399| SBuf.cc(168) rawSpace: reserving 202 for SBuf2851
2016/01/06 22:09:06.399| SBuf.cc(175) rawSpace: not growing
2016/01/06 22:09:06.399| client_side.cc(3177) clientParseRequests:
local= remote= FD 15 flags=1:
attempting to parse
2016/01/06 22:09:06.399| SBuf.cc(168) rawSpace: reserving 1 for SBuf2851
2016/01/06 22:09:06.399| SBuf.cc(175) rawSpace: not growing
2016/01/06 22:09:06.399| HttpParser.cc(37) reset: Request buffer is
CONNECT www.box.com:443 HTTP/1.1^M
2016/01/06 22:09:06.400| client_side.h(95) mayUseConnection: This
0x125d2b8 marked 1
2016/01/06 22:09:06.400| SBuf.cc(487) consume: consume 202
2016/01/06 22:09:06.400| SBuf.cc(87) SBuf: SBuf2857 created from id SBuf2851
2016/01/06 22:09:06.400| SBuf.cc(124) ~SBuf: SBuf2857 destructed
2016/01/06 22:09:06.462| client_side.cc(3228) clientReadRequest:
local= remote= FD 15 flags=1
2016/01/06 22:09:06.462| cbdata.cc(394) cbdataInternalLock: 0x1123d58=13
2016/01/06 22:09:06.462| SBuf.cc(168) rawSpace: reserving 16181 for SBuf2851
2016/01/06 22:09:06.462| SBuf.cc(910) cow: new size:16181
2016/01/06 22:09:06.462| SBuf.cc(880) reAlloc: new size: 16181
2016/01/06 22:09:06.462| MemBlob.cc(57) MemBlob: constructed,
this=0xcab240 id=blob4215 reserveSize=16181
2016/01/06 22:09:06.462| MemBlob.cc(102) memAlloc: blob4215 memAlloc:
requested=16181, received=16384
2016/01/06 22:09:06.462| MemBlob.cc(83) ~MemBlob: destructed,
this=0x12b10f0 id=blob4211 capacity=16384 size=203
2016/01/06 22:09:06.462| SBuf.cc(889) reAlloc: new store capacity: 16384
2016/01/06 22:09:06.462| bio.cc(120) read: FD 15 read 5 <= 5
2016/01/06 22:09:06.462| bio.cc(120) read: FD 15 read 288 <= 288
2016/01/06 22:09:06.462| Read.cc(91) ReadNow: local=
remote= FD 15 flags=1, size 16181, retval 250, errno 0
2016/01/06 22:09:06.462| SBuf.cc(215) append: from c-string to id SBuf2851
2016/01/06 22:09:06.462| SBuf.cc(168) rawSpace: reserving 250 for SBuf2851
2016/01/06 22:09:06.462| SBuf.cc(175) rawSpace: not growing
2016/01/06 22:09:06.462| client_side.cc(3177) clientParseRequests:
local= remote= FD 15 flags=1:
attempting to parse
2016/01/06 22:09:06.462| SBuf.cc(168) rawSpace: reserving 1 for SBuf2851
2016/01/06 22:09:06.462| SBuf.cc(175) rawSpace: not growing
2016/01/06 22:09:06.462| HttpParser.cc(37) reset: Request buffer is
PUT /w202b9ba3.4bec4ab9:00000008/t03/_00000001 HTTP/1.1^M
2016/01/06 22:09:06.463| BodyPipe.cc(138) BodyPipe:·
reentrant debuging 2-{cbdata.cc(492) cbdataReferenceValid: 0x1123d58}-2
created BodyPipe [0<=0<=? 0+2047 pipe0x12db598 prod0x1123d58]
2016/01/06 22:09:06.463| BodyPipe.cc(160) setBodySize:·
reentrant debuging 2-{cbdata.cc(492) cbdataReferenceValid: 0x1123d58}-2
set body size [0<=0<=108334 0+2047 pipe0x12db598 prod0x1123d58]
2016/01/06 22:09:06.463| SBuf.cc(487) consume: consume 250
2016/01/06 22:09:06.463| SBuf.cc(87) SBuf: SBuf2882 created from id SBuf2851
2016/01/06 22:09:06.463| SBuf.cc(124) ~SBuf: SBuf2882 destructed
2016/01/06 22:09:06.463| client_side.cc(2402) consumeInput: in.buf has
0 unused bytes
2016/01/06 22:09:06.463| client_side.cc(3359) handleRequestBodyData:
handling plain request body for local=
remote= FD 15 flags=1
2016/01/06 22:09:06.463| SBuf.cc(168) rawSpace: reserving 1 for SBuf2851
2016/01/06 22:09:06.463| SBuf.cc(910) cow: new size:1
2016/01/06 22:09:06.463| SBuf.cc(880) reAlloc: new size: 1
2016/01/06 22:09:06.463| MemBlob.cc(57) MemBlob: constructed,
this=0x12b10f0 id=blob4216 reserveSize=1
2016/01/06 22:09:06.463| MemBlob.cc(102) memAlloc: blob4216 memAlloc:
requested=1, received=40
2016/01/06 22:09:06.463| MemBlob.cc(83) ~MemBlob: destructed,
this=0xcab240 id=blob4215 capacity=16384 size=251
2016/01/06 22:09:06.463| SBuf.cc(889) reAlloc: new store capacity: 40
2016/01/06 22:09:07.463| client_side.cc(3228) clientReadRequest:
local= remote= FD 15 flags=1
2016/01/06 22:09:07.463| cbdata.cc(394) cbdataInternalLock: 0x1123d58=14
2016/01/06 22:09:07.463| SBuf.cc(168) rawSpace: reserving 39 for SBuf2851
2016/01/06 22:09:07.463| SBuf.cc(910) cow: new size:39
2016/01/06 22:09:07.463| SBuf.cc(880) reAlloc: new size: 39
2016/01/06 22:09:07.463| MemBlob.cc(57) MemBlob: constructed,
this=0x12cacc0 id=blob4218 reserveSize=39
2016/01/06 22:09:07.463| MemBlob.cc(102) memAlloc: blob4218 memAlloc:
requested=39, received=40
2016/01/06 22:09:07.463| MemBlob.cc(83) ~MemBlob: destructed,
this=0x12b10f0 id=blob4216 capacity=40 size=1
2016/01/06 22:09:07.463| SBuf.cc(889) reAlloc: new store capacity: 40
2016/01/06 22:09:07.463| bio.cc(120) read: FD 15 read 5 <= 5
2016/01/06 22:09:07.463| bio.cc(120) read: FD 15 read 16432 <= 16432
2016/01/06 22:09:07.463| support.cc(1251) ssl_read_method: SSL FD 15 is pending
2016/01/06 22:09:07.463| Read.cc(91) ReadNow: local=
remote= FD 15 flags=1, size 39, retval 39, errno 0
2016/01/06 22:09:07.463| SBuf.cc(215) append: from c-string to id SBuf2851
2016/01/06 22:09:07.463| SBuf.cc(168) rawSpace: reserving 39 for SBuf2851
2016/01/06 22:09:07.463| SBuf.cc(175) rawSpace: not growing
2016/01/06 22:09:07.463| client_side.cc(3359) handleRequestBodyData:
handling plain request body for local=
remote= FD 15 flags=1
2016/01/06 22:09:07.463| SBuf.cc(168) rawSpace: reserving 1 for SBuf2851
2016/01/06 22:09:07.463| SBuf.cc(175) rawSpace: not growing
2016/01/06 22:09:07.464| AsyncCall.cc(93) ScheduleCall:
BodyPipe.cc(417) will call
BodyConsumer::noteMoreBodyDataAvailable(0x12db598*5) [call15135]
2016/01/06 22:09:07.464| SBuf.cc(487) consume: consume 39
2016/01/06 22:09:07.464| SBuf.cc(87) SBuf: SBuf2889 created from id SBuf2851
2016/01/06 22:09:07.464| SBuf.cc(124) ~SBuf: SBuf2889 destructed
2016/01/06 22:09:07.464| client_side.cc(2402) consumeInput: in.buf has
0 unused bytes
2016/01/06 22:09:07.464| client_side.cc(3228) clientReadRequest:
local= remote= FD 15 flags=1
2016/01/06 22:09:07.464| SBuf.cc(910) cow: new size:4096
2016/01/06 22:09:07.464| SBuf.cc(880) reAlloc: new size: 4096
2016/01/06 22:09:07.464| MemBlob.cc(57) MemBlob: constructed,
this=0x12b10f0 id=blob4219 reserveSize=4096
2016/01/06 22:09:07.464| MemBlob.cc(102) memAlloc: blob4219 memAlloc:
requested=4096, received=4096
2016/01/06 22:09:07.464| MemBlob.cc(83) ~MemBlob: destructed,
this=0x12cacc0 id=blob4218 capacity=40 size=40
2016/01/06 22:09:07.464| SBuf.cc(889) reAlloc: new store capacity: 4096
2016/01/06 22:09:07.465| client_side.cc(2350) maybeMakeSpaceAvailable:
growing request buffer: available=4096 used=0
2016/01/06 22:09:07.465| cbdata.cc(394) cbdataInternalLock: 0x1123d58=14
2016/01/06 22:09:07.465| SBuf.cc(168) rawSpace: reserving 4096 for SBuf2851
2016/01/06 22:09:07.465| SBuf.cc(175) rawSpace: not growing
2016/01/06 22:09:07.465| support.cc(1251) ssl_read_method: SSL FD 15 is pending
2016/01/06 22:09:07.465| Read.cc(91) ReadNow: local=
remote= FD 15 flags=1, size 4096, retval 4096, errno 0
2016/01/06 22:09:07.465| SBuf.cc(215) append: from c-string to id SBuf2851
2016/01/06 22:09:07.465| SBuf.cc(168) rawSpace: reserving 4096 for SBuf2851
2016/01/06 22:09:07.465| SBuf.cc(175) rawSpace: not growing
2016/01/06 22:09:07.465| client_side.cc(3359) handleRequestBodyData:
handling plain request body for local=
remote= FD 15 flags=1
2016/01/06 22:09:07.465| SBuf.cc(168) rawSpace: reserving 1 for SBuf2851
2016/01/06 22:09:07.465| SBuf.cc(910) cow: new size:4097
2016/01/06 22:09:07.465| SBuf.cc(880) reAlloc: new size: 4097
2016/01/06 22:09:07.465| MemBlob.cc(57) MemBlob: constructed,
this=0x12cacc0 id=blob4220 reserveSize=4097
2016/01/06 22:09:07.465| MemBlob.cc(102) memAlloc: blob4220 memAlloc:
requested=4097, received=16384
2016/01/06 22:09:07.465| MemBlob.cc(83) ~MemBlob: destructed,
this=0x12b10f0 id=blob4219 capacity=4096 size=4096
2016/01/06 22:09:07.465| SBuf.cc(889) reAlloc: new store capacity: 16384
2016/01/06 22:09:07.466| client_side.cc(3228) clientReadRequest:
local= remote= FD 15 flags=1
2016/01/06 22:09:07.466| cbdata.cc(394) cbdataInternalLock: 0x1123d58=14
2016/01/06 22:09:07.466| SBuf.cc(168) rawSpace: reserving 12287 for SBuf2851
2016/01/06 22:09:07.466| SBuf.cc(910) cow: new size:12287
2016/01/06 22:09:07.466| SBuf.cc(880) reAlloc: new size: 12287
2016/01/06 22:09:07.466| MemBlob.cc(57) MemBlob: constructed,
this=0x12b10f0 id=blob4221 reserveSize=12287
2016/01/06 22:09:07.466| MemBlob.cc(102) memAlloc: blob4221 memAlloc:
requested=12287, received=16384
2016/01/06 22:09:07.466| MemBlob.cc(83) ~MemBlob: destructed,
this=0x12cacc0 id=blob4220 capacity=16384 size=4097
2016/01/06 22:09:07.466| SBuf.cc(889) reAlloc: new store capacity: 16384
2016/01/06 22:09:07.466| Read.cc(91) ReadNow: local=
remote= FD 15 flags=1, size 12287, retval 12249, errno
2016/01/06 22:09:07.466| SBuf.cc(215) append: from c-string to id SBuf2851
2016/01/06 22:09:07.466| SBuf.cc(168) rawSpace: reserving 12249 for SBuf2851
2016/01/06 22:09:07.466| SBuf.cc(175) rawSpace: not growing
2016/01/06 22:09:07.466| client_side.cc(3359) handleRequestBodyData:
handling plain request body for local=
remote= FD 15 flags=1
2016/01/06 22:09:07.466| SBuf.cc(168) rawSpace: reserving 1 for SBuf2851
2016/01/06 22:09:07.466| SBuf.cc(175) rawSpace: not growing
2016/01/06 22:09:07.467| client_side.cc(3228) clientReadRequest:
local= remote= FD 15 flags=1
2016/01/06 22:09:07.467| cbdata.cc(394) cbdataInternalLock: 0x1123d58=14
2016/01/06 22:09:07.467| SBuf.cc(168) rawSpace: reserving 4134 for SBuf2851
2016/01/06 22:09:07.467| SBuf.cc(910) cow: new size:4134
2016/01/06 22:09:07.467| SBuf.cc(880) reAlloc: new size: 4134
2016/01/06 22:09:07.467| MemBlob.cc(57) MemBlob: constructed,
this=0x12cacc0 id=blob4222 reserveSize=4134
2016/01/06 22:09:07.467| MemBlob.cc(102) memAlloc: blob4222 memAlloc:
requested=4134, received=16384
2016/01/06 22:09:07.467| MemBlob.cc(83) ~MemBlob: destructed,
this=0x12b10f0 id=blob4221 capacity=16384 size=12250
2016/01/06 22:09:07.467| SBuf.cc(889) reAlloc: new store capacity: 16384
2016/01/06 22:09:07.467| bio.cc(120) read: FD 15 read 5 <= 5
2016/01/06 22:09:07.467| bio.cc(120) read: FD 15 read 16432 <= 16432
2016/01/06 22:09:07.467| support.cc(1251) ssl_read_method: SSL FD 15 is pending
2016/01/06 22:09:07.467| Read.cc(91) ReadNow: local=
remote= FD 15 flags=1, size 4134, retval 4134, errno 0
2016/01/06 22:09:07.467| SBuf.cc(215) append: from c-string to id SBuf2851
2016/01/06 22:09:07.467| SBuf.cc(168) rawSpace: reserving 4134 for SBuf2851
2016/01/06 22:09:07.467| SBuf.cc(175) rawSpace: not growing
2016/01/06 22:09:07.467| client_side.cc(3359) handleRequestBodyData:
handling plain request body for local=
remote= FD 15 flags=1
2016/01/06 22:09:07.467| SBuf.cc(168) rawSpace: reserving 1 for SBuf2851
2016/01/06 22:09:07.469| client_side.cc(3228) clientReadRequest:
local= remote= FD 15 flags=1
2016/01/06 22:09:07.469| cbdata.cc(394) cbdataInternalLock: 0x1123d58=14
2016/01/06 22:09:07.469| SBuf.cc(168) rawSpace: reserving 12249 for SBuf2851
2016/01/06 22:09:07.469| SBuf.cc(910) cow: new size:12249
2016/01/06 22:09:07.469| SBuf.cc(880) reAlloc: new size: 12249
2016/01/06 22:09:07.469| MemBlob.cc(57) MemBlob: constructed,
this=0x12b10f0 id=blob4223 reserveSize=12249
2016/01/06 22:09:07.469| MemBlob.cc(102) memAlloc: blob4223 memAlloc:
requested=12249, received=16384
2016/01/06 22:09:07.469| MemBlob.cc(83) ~MemBlob: destructed,
this=0x12cacc0 id=blob4222 capacity=16384 size=4135
2016/01/06 22:09:07.469| SBuf.cc(889) reAlloc: new store capacity: 16384
2016/01/06 22:09:07.469| support.cc(1251) ssl_read_method: SSL FD 15 is pending
2016/01/06 22:09:07.469| Read.cc(91) ReadNow: local=
remote= FD 15 flags=1, size 12249, retval 12249, errno
2016/01/06 22:09:07.469| SBuf.cc(215) append: from c-string to id SBuf2851
2016/01/06 22:09:07.469| SBuf.cc(168) rawSpace: reserving 12249 for SBuf2851
2016/01/06 22:09:07.469| SBuf.cc(175) rawSpace: not growing
2016/01/06 22:09:07.469| client_side.cc(3359) handleRequestBodyData:
handling plain request body for local=
remote= FD 15 flags=1
2016/01/06 22:09:07.469| SBuf.cc(168) rawSpace: reserving 1 for SBuf2851
2016/01/06 22:09:07.469| SBuf.cc(175) rawSpace: not growing
2016/01/06 22:09:07.470| client_side.cc(3359) handleRequestBodyData:
handling plain request body for local=
remote= FD 15 flags=1
2016/01/06 22:09:07.470| SBuf.cc(168) rawSpace: reserving 1 for SBuf2851
2016/01/06 22:09:07.470| SBuf.cc(910) cow: new size:1
2016/01/06 22:09:07.470| SBuf.cc(880) reAlloc: new size: 1
2016/01/06 22:09:07.470| MemBlob.cc(57) MemBlob: constructed,
this=0x12cacc0 id=blob4224 reserveSize=1
2016/01/06 22:09:07.470| MemBlob.cc(102) memAlloc: blob4224 memAlloc:
requested=1, received=40
2016/01/06 22:09:07.470| MemBlob.cc(83) ~MemBlob: destructed,
this=0x12b10f0 id=blob4223 capacity=16384 size=12250
2016/01/06 22:09:07.470| SBuf.cc(889) reAlloc: new store capacity: 40
2016/01/06 22:09:07.470| client_side.cc(3228) clientReadRequest:
local= remote= FD 15 flags=1
2016/01/06 22:09:07.470| cbdata.cc(394) cbdataInternalLock: 0x1123d58=14
2016/01/06 22:09:07.470| SBuf.cc(168) rawSpace: reserving 39 for SBuf2851
2016/01/06 22:09:07.470| SBuf.cc(910) cow: new size:39
2016/01/06 22:09:07.470| SBuf.cc(880) reAlloc: new size: 39
2016/01/06 22:09:07.470| MemBlob.cc(57) MemBlob: constructed,
this=0x12b10f0 id=blob4225 reserveSize=39
2016/01/06 22:09:07.470| MemBlob.cc(102) memAlloc: blob4225 memAlloc:
requested=39, received=40
2016/01/06 22:09:07.470| MemBlob.cc(83) ~MemBlob: destructed,
this=0x12cacc0 id=blob4224 capacity=40 size=1
2016/01/06 22:09:07.470| SBuf.cc(889) reAlloc: new store capacity: 40
2016/01/06 22:09:07.470| Read.cc(91) ReadNow: local=
remote= FD 15 flags=1, size 39, retval 1, errno 0
2016/01/06 22:09:07.470| SBuf.cc(215) append: from c-string to id SBuf2851
2016/01/06 22:09:07.470| SBuf.cc(168) rawSpace: reserving 1 for SBuf2851
2016/01/06 22:09:07.470| SBuf.cc(175) rawSpace: not growing
2016/01/06 22:09:07.470| client_side.cc(3359) handleRequestBodyData:
handling plain request body for local=
remote= FD 15 flags=1
2016/01/06 22:09:07.470| SBuf.cc(168) rawSpace: reserving 1 for SBuf2851
2016/01/06 22:09:07.470| SBuf.cc(175) rawSpace: not growing

On 5 November 2015 at 11:56, Prashanth Prabhu
<prashanth.pra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Amos,
>>> I failed to mention that I am on 3.5.1. And, readSomeData() is already 
>>> "fixed":
>> Bug 4353 exists because the initial fix for 4206 was not enough to fully
>> remove the behaviour. Sometimes yes, sometimes no.
>> Only the nasty hack of allocating buffers twice and throwing one away
>> unused seems to work fully so far. That is the patch in 4353.
> To be clear, the code in 3.5.1 is already using the
> in.maybeMakeSpaceAvailable() call, therefore the patch for 4353 is
> useless for me.
> It appears that sometime during 3.5.3 the code was modified to use the
> following check instead and that is being backed out with 4353.
> ----
>      if (Config.maxRequestBufferSize - in.buf.length() < 2)
> ----
> I thought that perhaps the first patch from 4206 would help, but a
> quick test has shown that it doesn't.
> Are there any documents on how buffer management is done in Squid? I
> am seeing small buffers being used to read from the client-side
> connection and I don't quite understand why. Why not read as much as
> possible, within the bounds of the space available in the "bodypipe",
> so we maximize the reads?
> Regards.
> Prashanth
> On 5 November 2015 at 07:14, Amos Jeffries <squ...@treenet.co.nz> wrote:
>> On 5/11/2015 10:41 p.m., Prashanth Prabhu wrote:
>>> Hello Amos,
>>> Thanks for the quick response.
>>> I failed to mention that I am on 3.5.1. And, readSomeData() is already 
>>> "fixed":
>> Bug 4353 exists because the initial fix for 4206 was not enough to fully
>> remove the behaviour. Sometimes yes, sometimes no.
>> Only the nasty hack of allocating buffers twice and throwing one away
>> unused seems to work fully so far. That is the patch in 4353.
>>> ----
>>> void
>>> ConnStateData::readSomeData()
>>> {
>>>     if (reading())
>>>         return;
>>>     debugs(33, 4, HERE << clientConnection << ": reading request...");
>>>     if (!in.maybeMakeSpaceAvailable())
>>>         return;
>>>     typedef CommCbMemFunT<ConnStateData, CommIoCbParams> Dialer;
>>>     reader = JobCallback(33, 5, Dialer, this, 
>>> ConnStateData::clientReadRequest);
>>>     Comm::Read(clientConnection, reader);
>>> }
>>> ----
>>> I am planning to try the "patch client_side.cc to call
>>> maybeMakeSpaceAvailable()" from #4206. Anything else, I should try?
>> The patch from 4353.
>> And also upgrading to 3.5.11 unless that was a typo in the version
>> number *.1 above.
>> Amos
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