Hi all,

I handle small network and we have 40 systems ( most having Ubuntu 14.04
and couple of system have windows ). We use squid to cache. Due to the
country where i live there is huge data charges so i am using squid to
cache things like Ubuntu updates and certain applications.

Issue i have is, My squid configuration is either failing to cache Ubuntu
updates mostly Debian packages. I see following status codes frequently in
my squid log file.

which confuses me. as i know only few options like
TCP_HIT/TCP_MEM_HIT/TCP_MISS. and searching about them explains that i
might have my squid_patterns wrong or data might be changing but the
problem is i have setup schedule so two system update on tuesday and then
on wednesday all system updates. yet i see lots of data with status
get about 40% to 50% cache. I could totally understand the updates are
there but i get stumped when TCP_REFRESH_UNMODIFIED/200 happens.

I also noticed TCP_REFRESH_UNMODIFIED/200 happens for google chrome debian
package reguarly even though same file is downloaded previous day by some
clients. i see entries of TCP_REFRESH_UNMODIFIED/200 or TCP_MISS/200  or
TCP_REFRESH_MODIFIED/200. i have the entry in my configuration file for
deb.google url like "refresh_pattern dl.google.com/.*\.(deb)
<http://dl.google.com/.*%5C.(deb)>   129600 100%     129600 reload-into-ims
 ignore-reload  override-expire override-lastmod ignore-no-store
ignore-private ignore-must-revalidate ".

Can any one help me with this issue? is this normal? Or there is an issue
in my squid config?  I have attached my squid config and some sample log
which confuses me.

My squid version is : 3.3.8 for detail options and squid config file i have
pasted the content of both at, ( Operating system is Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS
"trusty" )

My squid access.log file sample is available at,

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