The chunked should not affect squid caching as far as I can tell how
squid works.
If you indeed have seen this I encourage you to report a bug.
The ETAG can affect drastically when validating objects.
The situation I know about ETAG is like this:
- more then 1 mirror
- each of the mirrors supply different ETAG for the same content\file
The above will result in a situation which a if modified re-validation
will see the different ETAG and will decide that the object is not the
same as the one exists in the cache.
My test subject was fedora and CentOS mirrors which have this issue and
StoreID usage to de-duplicate content from two or more mirrors causes
invalidation of cached content and a re-fetch each and every time.
I had in mind an idea to write in the wiki about the different things
which can prevent StoreID usage to be useful, if you can contribute from
your experience to this addition I will be grateful.
Of-course this is a off list topic.
On 20/10/2015 13:11, FredT wrote:
I'm not sure it's due to the Etag only...
I did many tests and some with Etag are cached and some are not.
But it seems objects including a "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" cannot be
cached with a Etag. I don't know if it's related or not, maybe you know
Bye Fred
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