On 7/27/2015 17:25 PM, Amos Jeffries wrote:
On 28/07/2015 8:38 a.m., Mike wrote:
Running into an issue, using the squid.conf entry
dns_nameservers 72.x.x.x 72.x.y.y

These are different servers (under our control) for the purpose of
filtering than listed in resolv.conf (which are out of our control, used
for server IP routing by upstream host).

The problem we found like this weekend is if the primary listed dns
server is unavailable, squid fails to use the secondary listed server.
Instead it displays the "unable to connect" type messages with all
Details please. How do you know the secondary is not even being tried?

What is Squid getting back from the primary when its "down" ?
  or just dns_timeout being hit?

Add this to squid.conf to get a cache.log trace of the DNS activity:
   debug_options 78,6


squid-users mailing list


If it was using the secondary server listed, connections to almost all websites would not be failing to load if primary was down. For the test we temporarily took the primary DNS server offline (per the example above 72.x.x.x), and no websites would load unless it was in the squid cache, but any elements that required additional data failed to load causing formatting issues with the displayed website. If we swap the setting to the "secondary" with the first IP (per the example above) as
dns_nameservers 72.x.y.y 72.x.x.x
and it works the same way, take the ".y.y" down and it refuses to use the secondary listed IP ".x.x" for DNS, instead displays the website could not be displayed error in the browsers. We even tried another test (per the example above) dns_nameservers 72.x.x.x then let it run for an hour or so. Then we took down the primary which means it should use the secondary google IP of, but it doesn't, goes right back to the "website could not be displayed" error in the browsers. I was wonder if this might be a bug. This is happening on multiple servers, one has squid 3.4.7, another has 3.4.6 and problem occurs on both.


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