On 6/06/2015 6:47 a.m., snakeeyes wrote:
> Hello All 
> I want to ask how could I get out the log
> TCP_MISS/403 353 HEAD text/plain  Error ?????
> I have many logs in cach.log about that and I want to figure out this issue
> !
> Aby help ?

The posts you made earlier (including the private one) do not have
sufficient content to be able to help you.

Firstly, we definitely need to see the full URLs in access.log. So your
squid.conf needs to contain "strip_query_terms off" to see what stage
the YT request sequence is at.

For tracking down why the status is being given you will want
"debug_options 11,2 28,3" to log in cache.og the HTTP request/reply
headers and ACL proccessing decisions.

If you can run with debugs set to ALL,5 to get a more full trace that
would be excellent. But it will definitely produce a lot of data, so
thats optional. The above mentioned two sections should be sufficient to
identify teh next steps forward, and will produce a lot of info anyway.


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