This is a very old post but I was unable to understand the solution to
the issue.
I have looked again on the logs and since they show a 500 internal
server error response I understood that the issue is not on the
server(site) side only and might be on the client(eg other side of the
internet and can be either a proxy or a web-browser).
Sometimes websites do not like to handle "special" request which was not
meant to be there in the first place.
As an example:
I have seen couple times in the past(before 2013) that a public service
was honoring *any* "X-Forwarded-For" headers which resulted in all sort
of weird results while displaying the page.
One example was that instead of a link to the external web page address
I got lots of internal urls which was not suppose to be there at all.
On this specific incident I had the chance to see how the "internal"
network infrastructure is designed and implemented and which I know
nobody planned to show me.
All The Bests,
Eliezer Croitoru
On 03/10/2013 13:26, Babelo Gmvsdm wrote:
First of all Thx Amos for your enlightenment, even if I had to admit that it's
not yet
all clear for me, My knowledge of proxy is very light.
So a little update about my last post.
I told that blocking the access to Truste.com is not a solution, so it's not
really true.
Usually I block sites using DBs used by SquidGuard, and here this method does
not work (I don't know why).
But, blocking via Squid ACL works, I mean there is no popup anymore and
websites are accessible, so it's not a perfect solution but a least is helps.
If you have an Idea of what I could do to solve this better that this patch it
would be great.
At least thx for all you have already done.
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