On 23/02/2015 12:01 a.m., David Touzeau wrote:
> Hi the best...
> We using Youtube For School by adding Headers in HTTP protocol
> Since Youtube force everybody to use SSL, using Youtube For School
> trough squid is not possible.
> Sure using ssl-bump can do the trick but dealing with certificates on
> students computers is very difficult.
> Did anyone have found a tip in order to force using Youtube only in HTTP
> Mode ?

Other than SSL-Bump no.

The google page about forcing safesearch currently recommends hijacking
DNS. Which may also work for YouTube but its not clear.

I have a sneaking suspicion its possibly because I pointed out in IETF
that they were openly recommending SSL-Bump style HTTPS hijacking while
simultaneously going on a crusade against it. The page got changed
within a few weeks of that.


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