There are couple things to consider while using multiple IPs for the
same network\user.
It is possible to do what you want in the OS level and in a way using squid.
You should consider first what is the exact effect you want\need and if
it can meet reality in usability level.
It is not very smart to just spread the traffic from different IPs since
there is an application level issues that you and your users might
encounter while operating this logic.
On 17/02/2015 01:51, snakeeyes wrote:
Hi , a
All I need I need to load balance my request as I can
So ,
I want if I go 1st time to ==> whatismyipaddfress.com
I want to be ip1
2nd time ==>ip2
3rd time==> ip3
And so on
Do u think my config needs to be modified ?
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