On 8/02/2015 5:34 a.m., Luis Miguel Silva wrote:
> I did when you sent it but it seemed to me you were saying I should add
> that "reply_header_access Alternate-Protocol deny all" config parameter
> but, on the other hand, I didn't understand why were you suggesting that,
> seeing that my problem is that Chrome doesn't go through my proxy at all!
> (I'm doing transparent proxying, NOT setting up a proxy in Chrome).
> I've now re-read your email and it seemed you were telling me to upgrade to
> 3.5.x (which I hadn't understood the last time I read your email). I
> apologize that I didn't understand what you were saying.

No wrries. I was saying both.

> So are you saying I must upgrade to Squid 3.5.x to fix this? Why would that
> header fix it, seeing that my problem is that Chrome is bypassing the proxy
> altogether?

The web server actively tells Chrome to use QUIC on future requests.
Remove that header from traffic and Chrome stops using QUIC (maybe
requires Chrome restart).

The removal is built into 3.4.10+ by default, but the config line I
presented does the same thing in older versions back to 3.2.


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