Actually I am unable to mail to squid-dev. Thus asking here.
How/where does squid open the network interface and starts listening on

On Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 12:57 PM, Priya Agarwal <>

> Hi,
> I needed some direction again. I also need to know where in the source
> code does squid open the network interface before it reads/writes from it.
> Thanks.
> Regards
> On Tue, Jan 6, 2015 at 11:37 AM, Priya Agarwal <>
> wrote:
>> Thanks a lot. :)
>> I'll sign up for squid-dev mailing list and do any further discussions
>> there.
>> On Tue, Jan 6, 2015 at 12:13 AM, Amos Jeffries <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hash: SHA1
>>> On 6/01/2015 6:01 a.m., Priya Agarwal wrote:
>>> > Thank you for the reply.
>>> >
>>> > I do not intend to change its functionality. I just want to make it
>>> > run on a processor (Freescale's T4240). For that it has to use some
>>> > new architectural features (Data Path Acceleration Architecture)
>>> > which are a part of the processor.
>>> >
>>> > For e.g. suppose squid was merely swapping ipv4/mac src and dest
>>> > addresses( just an example! ) in the packet header and sends it
>>> > back. So I don't want to change what it does, I just want squid to
>>> > send whatever data it has prepared to a memory location. Basically
>>> > instead of receiving and sending to OS Stack, I want to it read and
>>> > write from memory.  (Further details : This memory is basically a
>>> > memory-mapped device which is further responsible for transmitting
>>> > the frame to a network interface, ethernet)
>>> >
>>> > So maybe if I could know where in the source code does it
>>> > communicate with the OS stack.
>>> Ah, that kind of packet handling is all much, much lower level than
>>> Squid.
>>> Squid uses functions provided by the POSIX system API with socket
>>> handles/"filedescriptors".
>>> The functions in src/ are where that happens, the lowest
>>> networking-I/O level of Squid.
>>> NP: If you want to take this further and/or discuss any other feature
>>> additions/changes I encourage you to sign up to squid-dev mailing list
>>> and discuss it with the whole dev team. This list is for general user
>>> discussions, (though sometimes code talk from someone doing bug
>>> investigations does slip in).
>>> Amos
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