Thank you amos  for explanation , 
You also didn’t answer me , does that mean in 3.5 squid version the object size 
in rock store  can be like 500KB ? or 1M ?
Or there is still has limitation for max size ? I know it exceed the 32kB , 
does that mean it can save like 1 M object size ?

The 1nd question , I have 3.head squid version
Squid Cache: Version 3.HEAD-20141105-r13687

Will I find a big performance in rock   in comparison to 3.5 ?

Does that version im using right now has limitation on rock ?


-----Original Message-----
From: squid-users [] On Behalf 
Of Amos Jeffries
Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2015 1:42 PM
Subject: Re: [squid-users] how long object size can squid 3.5.2 handle ?

On 28/01/2015 7:10 p.m., Ahmad wrote:
> Hi dev ,
> how long object size can squid 3.5.2 handle ??
> it says >>than 32KB

What "it" ?

> is that for memory or  disk caching  or for both ???? 

SMP memory is the only one restricted to 32KB. Because 32KB is the default UDS 
(Unix Data Socket) packet size limit, and Squid SMP code is assuming that limit 
is in place even if the sysadmin has altered the kernel to accept larger 

> I mean does that mean on memory  the hot object will be >>32KB ? 
> And in  rock store >>32 also ?
> If >>32 Kb how much ?
> 500 Kb ? 1M or more or  less ?
> Just curious and need to know what the max size we can save fo far

Squid-3.5 has 5 cache areas in which HTTP objects can be stored:

* Transients Memory (in-transit objects cache)
* SMP shared memory cache (cache_mem between workers)
* Local memory cache (cache_mem for local worker only)
* Rock disk cache
* UFS disk cache (ufs, aufs, diskd)

Only two of those have *ever* been limited to 32KB (Rock and SMP shared 
memory), and in 3.5 that is reduced to one (shared memory cache).

The others are not limited by object size, but by total cache space.

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