I have cross-compiled squid 3.5 with mingw32-w64 on Ubuntu. The properties are:
c:\squid\sbin>squid -v
Squid Cache: Version
Service Name: squid
Test build
configure options:  '--host=i686-w64-mingw32' '--prefix=c:/squid' 'CXXFLAGS=-DWI
NVER=0x601 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x601 -fpermissive' 'CFLAGS=-DWINVER=0x601 -D_WIN32_WI
NNT=0x601 -fpermissive' 'BUILDCXX=g++' 'BUILDCXXFLAGS=-DFOO' '--enable-build-inf
o=Test build' 'host_alias=i686-w64-mingw32' --enable-ltdl-convenience

When I try to run it on windows 7 64, it gives a critical error at start, below 
is the debug trace:c:\squid\sbin>squid.exe -X -f squid.conf
2014/12/19 00:17:40.101| debug.cc(403) parseOptions: command-line -X overrides:
2014/12/19 00:17:40.101| signal: sig=31 func=sigusr2_handle: (0) No error.
2014/12/19 00:17:40.101| cache_manager.cc(80) registerProfile: registering legac
y mem
2014/12/19 00:17:40.101| cache_manager.cc(114) findAction: CacheManager::findAct
ion: looking for action mem
2014/12/19 00:17:40.101| cache_manager.cc(122) findAction: Action not found.
2014/12/19 00:17:40.101| cache_manager.cc(65) registerProfile: registered profil
e: mem
2014/12/19 00:17:40.101| cache_manager.cc(80) registerProfile: registering legac
y squidaio_counts
2014/12/19 00:17:40.111| cache_manager.cc(114) findAction: CacheManager::findAct
ion: looking for action squidaio_counts
2014/12/19 00:17:40.111| cache_manager.cc(122) findAction: Action not found.
2014/12/19 00:17:40.121| cache_manager.cc(65) registerProfile: registered profil
e: squidaio_counts
2014/12/19 00:17:40.121| rock/RockStoreFileSystem.cc(50) setup: Will use Rock 
FS2014/12/19 00:17:40.121| Startup: Initializing Authentication Schemes ...
2014/12/19 00:17:40.121| Startup: Initialized Authentication Scheme 'basic'
2014/12/19 00:17:40.121| Startup: Initialized Authentication Scheme 'digest'
2014/12/19 00:17:40.121| Startup: Initialized Authentication Scheme 'negotiate'
2014/12/19 00:17:40.121| Startup: Initialized Authentication Scheme 'ntlm'
2014/12/19 00:17:40.121| Startup: Initialized Authentication.
2014/12/19 00:17:40.151| tools.cc(47) ProbeTransport: Detected IPv6 hybrid or v4
-mapping stack...
2014/12/19 00:17:40.151| tools.cc(61) ProbeTransport: IPv6 transport Enabled
2014/12/19 00:17:40.151| Config.cc(48) registerTokens:  register format tokens f
or 'adapt'
2014/12/19 00:17:40.151| Config.cc(48) registerTokens:  register format tokens f
or 'icap'
2014/12/19 00:17:40.151| cache_cf.cc(570) parseConfigFile:
2014/12/19 00:17:40.151| cf_parser.cci(4089) free_all:
2014/12/19 00:17:40.151| Acl.cc(396) Registered: ACL::Prototype::Registered: inv
oked for type src
2014/12/19 00:17:40.151| Acl.cc(400) Registered: ACL::Prototype::Registered:
2014/12/19 00:17:40.151| Acl.cc(97) FindByName: ACL::FindByName 'all'
2014/12/19 00:17:40.151| Acl.cc(103) FindByName: ACL::FindByName found no match
2014/12/19 00:17:40.151| Acl.cc(238) ParseAclLine: aclParseAclLine: Creating ACL
2014/12/19 00:17:40.151| Acl.cc(432) Factory: ACL::Prototype::Factory: cloning a
n object for type 'src'
2014/12/19 00:17:40.151| Ip.cc(233) FactoryParse: aclIpParseIpData: all
2014/12/19 00:17:40.161| Ip.cc(237) FactoryParse: aclIpParseIpData: magic 'all'
2014/12/19 00:17:40.161| Acl.cc(396) Registered: ACL::Prototype::Registered: inv
oked for type url_regex
2014/12/19 00:17:40.161| Acl.cc(400) Registered: ACL::Prototype::Registered:
2014/12/19 00:17:40.161| Acl.cc(97) FindByName: ACL::FindByName 'manager'
2014/12/19 00:17:40.161| Acl.cc(103) FindByName: ACL::FindByName found no match
2014/12/19 00:17:40.161| Acl.cc(238) ParseAclLine: aclParseAclLine: Creating ACL
2014/12/19 00:17:40.161| Acl.cc(432) Factory: ACL::Prototype::Factory: cloning a
n object for type 'url_regex'
2014/12/19 00:17:40.161| RegexData.cc(303) aclParseRegexList: aclParseRegexList:
 new Regex line or file
2014/12/19 00:17:40.161| RegexData.cc(311) aclParseRegexList: aclParseRegexList:
 buffering RE '-i'
2014/12/19 00:17:40.161| RegexData.cc(311) aclParseRegexList: aclParseRegexList:
 buffering RE '^cache_object://'
2014/12/19 00:17:40.161| RegexData.cc(311) aclParseRegexList: aclParseRegexList:
 buffering RE '+i'
2014/12/19 00:17:40.161| RegexData.cc(311) aclParseRegexList: aclParseRegexList:
 buffering RE '^https?://[^/]+/squid-internal-mgr/'
2014/12/19 00:17:40.161| RegexData.cc(194) compileOptimisedREs: compileOptimised
REs: -i
2014/12/19 00:17:40.161| RegexData.cc(218) compileOptimisedREs: compileOptimised
REs: adding RE '^cache_object://'
2014/12/19 00:17:40.161| RegexData.cc(208) compileOptimisedREs: compileOptimised
REs: +i
2014/12/19 00:17:40.161| RegexData.cc(153) compileRE: compileRE: compiled '(^cac
he_object://)' with flags 11
2014/12/19 00:17:40.171| RegexData.cc(218) compileOptimisedREs: compileOptimised
REs: adding RE '^https?://[^/]+/squid-internal-mgr/'
2014/12/19 00:17:40.171| RegexData.cc(153) compileRE: compileRE: compiled '(^htt
ps?://[^/]+/squid-internal-mgr/)' with flags 9
2014/12/19 00:17:40.171| RegexData.cc(261) compileOptimisedREs: compileOptimised
REs: 2 REs are optimised into one RE.
2014/12/19 00:17:40.171| Acl.cc(396) Registered: ACL::Prototype::Registered: inv
oked for type src
2014/12/19 00:17:40.171| Acl.cc(400) Registered: ACL::Prototype::Registered:
2014/12/19 00:17:40.171| Acl.cc(97) FindByName: ACL::FindByName 'localhost'
2014/12/19 00:17:40.171| Acl.cc(103) FindByName: ACL::FindByName found no match
2014/12/19 00:17:40.171| Acl.cc(238) ParseAclLine: aclParseAclLine: Creating ACL
2014/12/19 00:17:40.171| Acl.cc(432) Factory: ACL::Prototype::Factory: cloning a
n object for type 'src'
2014/12/19 00:17:40.171| Ip.cc(233) FactoryParse: aclIpParseIpData: 00:17:40.171| Ip.cc(341) FactoryParse: aclIpParseIpData: 
2' matched: SCAN3-v4: %[0123456789.]/%[0123456789.]
2014/12/19 00:17:40.171| Address.cc(379) lookupHostIP: Given Non-IP '':
 No such host is known.
2014/12/19 00:17:40.171| aclIpParseIpData: unknown first address in '
2014/12/19 00:17:40.171| tools.cc(543) leave_suid: leave_suid: PID 4792 called
FATAL: Bungled Default Configuration line 6: acl localhost src ::1
Squid Cache (Version Terminated abnormally.
CPU Usage: 0.000 seconds = 0.000 user + 0.000 sys
Maximum Resident Size: 0 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 0
Could you please advice what I'm doing wrong or whether this is a bug? Thank 
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