> And it works great ! Thank you Amos for your patch.
> In previous Squid 3.3.x DIGEST was very buggy , crash, 407, banners,
> but now it seems very stable. Perhaps there are some little bugs
> like this, but now it's usable.
> Thanks for your works


William to be more clear this patch is not related at all with authenticate_ttl 
authenticate_ttl doesn't works with Digest, but with basic and maybe another 
(ntlm, kerberos ?) there is no precision here 

The patch works like this:

At first banner Squid store the login/password HASH 

When nonce is stalled (nonce_max_count reached) the helper compare the account 
stored in memory with a request to Ldap or/and when the nonce is expired, the 
helper makes the same thing.

In this two cases there are two possibilities, the account is right or wrong -> 
Bad password or/and bad login

- If the return is right Squid return a new nonce and there is no impact for 
the user, I mean no banner.
- If the return is wrong Squid present the authentication realm to the user and 
the browser prompt for a username and password.

There is also an another situation - if squid is restarted - the browser 
returns is HASH without banner (if the account is right of course)

So, without any change in LDAP the banner never appear, except when the browser 


PS: About Digest you are right it's almost good now, still also a little 
problem with nonce count but not related with this 
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