On Monday 10 November 2014 at 17:12:23 (EU time), Efe wrote:

>     acl myrule dstdom_regex "/etc/squid3/domainblock.txt"
>     http_access deny myrule
> where domainblock.txt is
>     someaddress.com
>     blockthis.net

As Amos said, use dstdomain instead of dstdom_regex.

> Now whenever i enter someaddress.com url & hit enter, it (squid or
> something on the network level) redirects to the localhost page. That's
> fine as long as i want to restrict access to that website.
> Problem is, changing config "http_access allow myrule" and reconfiguring,
> parsing and restarting squid and then the computer does not change
> anything, i.e i still cant access someaddress.com. Removed the settings
> from config, no luck again.
> As i said, iptables is empty. So what might be the reason then?

Local browser cache on the client machine?

Try testing with client A, reconfigure, and then re-test from client B (where A 
and B are either different computers or different browsers, or both).



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